# Note incremental-cts is an EXPERIMENTAL project. It's for analysis purpose only and is NOT meant to be used for approval runs. # Examples ## Generate dEQP dependency This command will generate a dEQP dependency file named `dEQP-dependency.txt`: ``` python3 incremental_deqp.py -s device_serial_number -t /path/to/test_resources --generate_deps_only ``` ## Check if current build could skip dEQP Before running this command, please create `extra_deqp_dependency.txt` file and copy it to test resources directory. `extra_deqp_dependency.txt` includes the dEQP dependencies that can't be detected by this tool such as firmwares. ``` python3 incremental_deqp.py -s device_serial_number -t /path/to/test_resources -b /path/to/target_file ``` Target file is an build artifact produced by Android build system, e.g. https://ci.android.com/builds/submitted/7230538/aosp_arm64-userdebug/latest/aosp_arm64-target_files-7230538.zip