set (MODULE_NAME GL) if(WIN32) # Windows MSVC/Intel compiler hits: # - dwonload free libraries package glew and glut/freeglut from the Internet # - add x64/x86 binaries with glew and glut/freeglut libraries (.lib) to the directory lib/x64 or lib/x86. # Include folder libs as cmake argument -DCLConform_GL_LIBRARIES_DIR=lib\x64 while solution generation # - GL headers files should be added to project source directory and GL subdirectory # - Add .dll files: glut glew to the test binary location. list(APPEND CLConform_LIBRARIES opengl32 freeglut glew32) else(WIN32) list(APPEND CLConform_LIBRARIES GL glut GLEW GLU) endif(WIN32) set (${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES main.cpp test_buffers.cpp test_image_methods.cpp test_images_1D.cpp test_images_1Darray.cpp test_images_2D.cpp test_images_2Darray.cpp test_images_3D.cpp test_images_depth.cpp test_images_getinfo_common.cpp test_images_multisample.cpp test_images_read_common.cpp test_images_write_common.cpp test_renderbuffer.cpp test_renderbuffer_info.cpp test_fence_sync.cpp helpers.cpp ../../test_common/gl/helpers.cpp ) if (WIN32) list (APPEND ${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES ../../test_common/gl/setup_win32.cpp) else(WIN32) list (APPEND ${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES ../../test_common/gl/setup_x11.cpp) endif(WIN32) # Compiling GLEW along with the project if the compiler is MINGW. # The mingw linker was giving weird errors while linking to glew32.lib generated by # MSVC. if(MINGW) list (APPEND ${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES GLEW/glew.c) set_source_files_properties( ${${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES} COMPILE_FLAGS -DGLEW_STATIC) include_directories("./GLEW/") endif(MINGW) set_source_files_properties( ${${MODULE_NAME}_SOURCES} PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) # Add the current folder to the include path, so that # test_common/gl/setup_x11.cpp can find testBase.h which is located in this # folder. include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) include(../CMakeCommon.txt)