ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library (for us with the ANTLR C# Code Generator) 29 September, 2007 Kunle Odutola : kunle UNDERSCORE odutola AT hotmail DOT com Micheal Jordan 1. INTRODUCTION The ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library extend the ANTLR language processing tools generator to the C#/CLI platforms such as Microsoft .NET, Novell/Ximian Mono and dotGNU. It is written in the C# programming language and was designed specifically for use with the ANTLR C# Code Generation target but, it would work equally well with a VB.NET, C++/CLI or indeed IronPython code generator were such a thing to be developed for ANTLR v3.1. We hope you find the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library delightful and useful even but, as per the license under which you may use it, this software is not guaranteed to work. Please see LICENSE.TXT for the full text of the license and NOTICE.TXT for attribution notices. 2. WHAT'S IN THE PACK? This distribution contains three projects, the project files needed to build them with Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 & 2005 and, Nant build files. The projects are: 1. Antlr3.Runtime - the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library 2. Antlr3.Utility - the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Utility Library 3. Antlr3.Runtime.Tests - the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library Tests In addition the Libraries sub-directory contains externals dependencies. 2.1 Dependencies 1. Antlr3.Runtime - none 2. Antlr3.Utility - Antlr3.Runtime.dll StringTemplate.dll antlr.runtime.dll 3. Antlr3.Runtime.Tests - Antlr3.Runtime.dll StringTemplate.dll antlr.runtime.dll In addition, Antlr3.Runtime.Tests has a dependency on the MbUnit v2.4 dlls. 3. USING The ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library Tou use the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library in your projects, add a reference to the following file in your projects: - Antlr3.Runtime.dll If you are using StringTemplate out in your grammar, add the following files too: - StringTemplate.dll - antlr.runtime.dll You can find examples of using ANTLR v3.1 and the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library at: 4. BUILDING The ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library If you wish to re-build The ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library for any reason, this is what you need to know. nant clean nant release -t:net-1.1 or nant clean nant release -t:net-2.0 5. ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library STATUS This release of the ANTLR v3.1 .NET Runtime Library is a stable beta release. There are currently 0 failures in the unit test suite. Don't forget to visit the for further info. The mailing lists are (currently) low volume and have a very high Signal-to-Noise ratio. We'd like to hear about how you're using ANTLR v3.1 and the .NET Runtime Library. 7. CONTRIBUTORS Kunle Odutola Micheal Jordan Enjoy! Kunle Odutola