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_[Demo and API docs](https://elements.polymer-project.org/elements/paper-item)_


Material design: [Lists](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/lists.html)

`` is an interactive list item. By default, it is a horizontal flexbox.


Use this element with `` to make Material Design styled two-line and three-line


Show your status
Your status is visible to everyone
``` To use `paper-item` as a link, wrap it in an anchor tag. Since `paper-item` will already receive focus, you may want to prevent the anchor tag from receiving focus as well by setting its tabindex to -1. ```html Polymer Project ``` If you are concerned about performance and want to use `paper-item` in a `paper-listbox` with many items, you can just use a native `button` with the `paper-item` class applied (provided you have correctly included the shared styles): ```html ``` ### Styling The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--paper-item-min-height` | Minimum height of the item | `48px` | | `--paper-item` | Mixin applied to the item | `{}` | | `--paper-item-selected-weight` | The font weight of a selected item | `bold` | | `--paper-item-selected` | Mixin applied to selected paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-disabled-color` | The color for disabled paper-items | `--disabled-text-color` | | `--paper-item-disabled` | Mixin applied to disabled paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-focused` | Mixin applied to focused paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-focused-before` | Mixin applied to :before focused paper-items | `{}` | ### Accessibility This element has `role="listitem"` by default. Depending on usage, it may be more appropriate to set `role="menuitem"`, `role="menuitemcheckbox"` or `role="menuitemradio"`. ```html Show your status ``` ##<paper-icon-item> `` is a convenience element to make an item with icon. It is an interactive list item with a fixed-width icon area, according to Material Design. This is useful if the icons are of varying widths, but you want the item bodies to line up. Use this like a ``. The child node with the attribute `item-icon` is placed in the icon area. ```html Favorite
``` ### Styling The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--paper-item-icon-width` | Width of the icon area | `56px` | | `--paper-item-icon` | Mixin applied to the icon area | `{}` | | `--paper-icon-item` | Mixin applied to the item | `{}` | | `--paper-item-selected-weight` | The font weight of a selected item | `bold` | | `--paper-item-selected` | Mixin applied to selected paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-disabled-color` | The color for disabled paper-items | `--disabled-text-color` | | `--paper-item-disabled` | Mixin applied to disabled paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-focused` | Mixin applied to focused paper-items | `{}` | | `--paper-item-focused-before` | Mixin applied to :before focused paper-items | `{}` | ##<paper-item-body> Use `` in a `` or `` to make two- or three- line items. It is a flex item that is a vertical flexbox. ```html
Show your status
Your status is visible to everyone
``` The child elements with the `secondary` attribute is given secondary text styling. ### Styling The following custom properties and mixins are available for styling: | Custom property | Description | Default | | --- | --- | --- | | `--paper-item-body-two-line-min-height` | Minimum height of a two-line item | `72px` | | `--paper-item-body-three-line-min-height` | Minimum height of a three-line item | `88px` | | `--paper-item-body-secondary-color` | Foreground color for the `secondary` area | `--secondary-text-color` | | `--paper-item-body-secondary` | Mixin applied to the `secondary` area | `{}` |