# Change log for kotlinx.atomicfu

# Version 0.16.0

* Update Kotlin to 1.5.0.
* Supported x86_64-based watchOS simulator target. (#177).

# Version 0.15.2

* Update kotlinx-metadata to 0.2.0.
* Update Kotlin to 1.4.30.
* Added kotlin space repository.

# Version 0.15.1

* Maven central publication (#173).
* Binary compatibility with IR (#170).
* Supported garbage-free multi-append in debug trace (#172).

# Version 0.15.0

* Tracing atomic operations (#20).
* Supported delegated properties (#83).
* Fixed visibility modifiers of synthetic fields and classes (#144).
* Introduced `size` method for atomic arrays (#149).
* Update Kotlin to 1.4.10.

# Version 0.14.4

* Fixed bug when Maven plugin wasn't published
* Migrate to new Kotlin HMPP metadata for multiplatform projects 
* Update Kotlin to 1.4.0

# Version 0.14.3

* Update to Kotlin 1.3.71.
* Enable HMPP and new JS IR backend compilation.

# Version 0.14.2

* Update to Kotlin 1.3.70.

# Version 0.14.1

* Fixed broken JVM transformer after upgrade to ASM 7.2.

# Version 0.14.0

* Updated to Kotlin 1.3.60.
* Updated to ASM 7.2.
* Support locks (SynchronizedObject and ReentrantLock).
* Freezable atomics on Kotlin/Native.

# Version 0.13.2

* Added release notes.
* Added the original classesDirs to the friend paths of test compilations.

# Version 0.13.1

* Better diagnostics when LockFreedomTestEnvironment fails to shutdown.
* Fixed looking for local variables scope labels.

# Version 0.13.0

* Gradle version 5.6.1 with Gradle metadata format version 1.0 (stable) for native modules.
* Optimized volatile-only fields in JVM.
* Supported unchecked cast erasure (including array elements).
* Fixed inline functions on array elements.
* Fixed shutdown sequence of LockFreedomTestEnvironment.

# Version 0.12.11

* Support suspending functions in LockFreedomTestEnvironment.

# Version 0.12.10

* Updated to Kotlin 1.3.50

# Version 0.12.9

* Updated to Kotlin 1.3.40

# Version 0.12.8

* Fixed getting array elements by named index.
* Fixed broken npm publishing.

# Version 0.12.7

* Fixed BooleanArray setValue.
* Fixed removal of inline methods on atomicfu types from bytecode.
* Adjust kotlin.Metadata in JVM classes to remove atomicfu references completely. 

# Version 0.12.6

* Support additional configuration for dependencies and transforms.
* Get array field fixed (see #61).

# Version 0.12.5

* Fixed Gradle plugin compatibility with `kotlin-multiplatform` plugin.

# Version 0.12.4

* Gradle plugin automatically adds dependencies. 
* Added support for inline extensions on `AtomicXxx` types.

# Version 0.12.3

* Updated to Kotlin 1.3.30

# Version 0.12.2

* Fixed to skip changing source path for unprocessed native output (see #51).
* Fixed inlining of atomic operations on JS (see #52).

# Version 0.12.1

* Gradle 4.10 with metadata version 0.4.
* No metadata for everything except native.

# Version 0.12.0

* Kotlin version 1.3.11.
* Support top-level atomic variables.
* Support arrays of atomic variables.
* Project is built with kotlin-multiplatform plugin.

# Version 0.11.11

* Kotlin version Kotlin version 1.3.0-rc-146 (with K/N).
* Gradle plugin supports projects that use `kotlin-multiplatform` plugin.
* Disable Gradle metadata publishing for all but native modules.
* JS transformer is more robust and retains line numbers (see #25).

# Version 0.11.10

* Kotlin version 1.3.0-rc-57 & Kotlin/Native 0.9.2

# Version 0.11.9

* Kotlin/Native version 1.3.0-rc-116 (0.9.3)
* Kotlin version 1.2.71
* Incremental JS compilation is fixed in plugin

## Version 0.11.7

* Fixed non-transformed AtomicBoolean and its tests
* AtomicFUGradlePlugin: More consistent task naming & code refactoring

## Version 0.11.6

* Kotlin/Native version 0.9

## Version 0.11.5

* Gradle plugin for JS: Fixed paths on Windows

## Version 0.11.4

* JS: Transformer added. It is now a compile-only dependency just like on JVM.   
* JVM: Default transformation variant is changed back to JDK6-compatible "FU".
  * `atomicfu { variant = xxx }` configuration section in Gradle can be used to change it.

## Version 0.11.3

* Fixed lost files during class analysis phase.

## Version 0.11.2

* Kotlin version 1.2.61
* Kotlin/Native version 0.8.2
* More user-friendly Gradle plugin for Kotlin/JVM and multi-release jar by default. See updated section in [README.md](README.md#Gradle)
* Supports `internal` atomic variables that are accessed from a different package in the same module.  

## Version 0.11.1

* Kotlin version 1.2.60
* Kotlin/Native version 0.8.1

## Version 0.11.0

* AtomicBoolean support (see #6)
* Kotlin/Native 0.9-dev-2922, all platforms, published to Maven Central

## Version 0.10.3-native

* Kotlin 1.2.51.
* Initial Kotlin/Native support:
  * Build for Kotlin/Native 0.8.
  * Only JS-like single-threaded applications are supported (no actual atomics).
  * Supported targets: "ios_arm64", "ios_arm32", "ios_x64", "macos_x64".
* NOTE: This version is not available in NPM and Maven Central. Use this Bintray repository: 
  * `maven { url "https://kotlin.bintray.com/kotlinx" }`    

## Version 0.10.3

* Kotlin 1.2.50.

## Version 0.10.2

* JS: Main file renamed to kotlinx-atomicfu.js to match NPM module name.

## Version 0.10.1

* JS: NPM deployment.

## Version 0.10.0

* Kotlin 1.2.41.
* Multiplatform: 
  * Extracted common code into `atomicfu-common` module.
  * Basic support on JS via `atomicfu-js` module (boxed objects, Bintray publishing only).
* JVM transformer:  
  * Preserve annotations on atomic fields.
  * Ignore no-ops in flow analyzer (support more variety of code patterns).

## Version 0.9.2

* Replaced deprecated kotlin-stdlib-jre8 dependency with kotlin-stdlib-jdk8.

## Version 0.9.1

* Kotlin 1.2.0

## Version 0.9

* Support generation of `VarHandle` variant for Java 9.

## Version 0.8

* `atomicfu-gradle-plugin` introduced.

## Version 0.7

* Fixed lost ACC_STATIC on  methods.
* Publish to Maven Central. 

## Version 0.6

* toString defined for debugging.

## Version 0.5

* Longer timeout to detect stalls in lock-free code, with shutdown logic
  that detected them even on short runs.
* Kotlin 1.1.4  

## Version 0.4

* Publish sources.
* Provide top-level `pauseLockFreeOp` for debugging.
* Stability improvements.

## Version 0.3

* Improved handling of compiler local variables for atomic fields.
* Support atomicVar.value = constant (with LDC instruction).
* Provide randomSpinWaitIntermission for lock-freedom tests.

## Version 0.2

* Support non-private atomic fields in nested classes that are accessed by other
  classes in the same compilation unit.
* Support for lock-freedom testing on unprocessed code 
  (other potential uses via interceptors in the future).

## Version 0.1

* Initial release.