Leaf changes summary: 2 artifacts changed Changed leaf types summary: 1 leaf type changed Removed/Changed/Added functions summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 1 Added function Removed/Changed/Added variables summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 1 Added function: [A] 'function void arch_set_max_freq_scale(cpumask*, unsigned long int)' 'struct root_domain at sched.h:732:1' changed: type size changed from 14592 to 14720 (in bits) there are data member changes: type 'unsigned long int' of 'root_domain::max_cpu_capacity' changed: entity changed from 'unsigned long int' to 'struct max_cpu_capacity' at sched.h:722:1 type size changed from 64 to 192 (in bits) 'perf_domain* pd' offset changed from 14528 to 14656 (in bits) (by +128 bits)