Comparing the ABI of binaries between dbus-glib-0.100.2-2.fc20.i686.rpm and dbus-glib-0.106-1.fc23.i686.rpm: ================ changes of ''=============== Functions changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 2 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable 2 Added functions: [A] 'function DBusGConnection* dbus_g_connection_open_private(const gchar*, GMainContext*, GError**)' {dbus_g_connection_open_private} [A] 'function DBusGConnection* dbus_g_method_invocation_get_g_connection(DBusGMethodInvocation*)' {dbus_g_method_invocation_get_g_connection} ================ end of changes of ''=============== ================ changes of 'dbus-binding-tool'=============== Functions changes summary: 2 Removed, 0 Changed, 1 Added functions Variables changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Changed, 0 Added variable Function symbols changes summary: 0 Removed, 0 Added function symbol not referenced by debug info Variable symbols changes summary: 2 Removed, 0 Added variable symbols not referenced by debug info 2 Removed functions: [D] 'function BaseInfo* base_info_ref(BaseInfo*)' {base_info_ref} [D] 'function void base_info_unref(BaseInfo*)' {base_info_unref} 1 Added function: [A] 'function int main(int, char**)' {main} 2 Removed variable symbols not referenced by debug info: [D] stderr [D] stdout ================ end of changes of 'dbus-binding-tool'===============