Changelog ========= Version 0.9.5 ------------- * JDK17 support improvements: - Fix crash with switch expression as a lambda body (#543, follow up: #545) - Better fix for crash on member selects inside (#544) * Bump Guava dependency to 24.1.1 (#536) * Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself: - Bump AutoValue and AutoService versions (#538) - Add task to run NullAway on itself (#542) - Add test case for unsound map reassignment handling (#541) Version 0.9.4 ------------- * Fix crash with fully-qualified names in import (#534) Version 0.9.3 ------------- IMPORTANT: This version introduces EXPERIMENTAL JDK17 support. There is a known crash on lambdas with switch expressions as body (see #524). Best current workaround is to `@SuppressWarnings("NullAway")` on the enclosing method * Improve reporting of multiple parameter errors on a single method call (#503) * Support compile-time constant field args in method Access Paths (#504) * Add basic library support for grpc Metadata through GrpcHandler (#505) * Fix soundness bug with dereference of ternary expressions (#516) * Add support for switch expressions (#520) [JDK 17] * Allow setting custom Nullable Annotation via Error Prone CLI flags (#522) * Add JarInfer models for Android SDK 31 (Android 12) (#532) * Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself: - Prevent JMH tests from running on pre-v11 JDKs (#492) - Bump to Error Prone 2.8.1 (#494), 2.9.0 (#497), and 2.10.0 (#507) - Docs: Fix a broken link in (#495) - Update to Gradle 7.2 (#496), 7.3.1 (#509), and 7.3.3 (#530) - Add Autodispose benchmark (#498) - Bump jmh plugin to 0.6.6 (#500) - Bump to Checker dataflow 3.20.0 (#510) - CI tests for JDK 17 (#512) - Some fixes to GitHub Actions config (#514) - Make jar-infer-lib tests pass on JDK 11 (#523) - Extra tests for all DummyOptionsConfig's methods (#525) - Pull jmh Gradle plugin version to top level (#526) - Add tests for JDK 16+ records (#527) - Support for Coveralls on multiple modules (#521) - Changes to avoid re-running Gradle tasks unnecessarily (#528) Version 0.9.2 ------------- * Allow specifying custom names for Contract annotations (#476) * Use shaded Checker Framework dataflow artifact made for NullAway (#485) * Bump Checker dataflow to 3.16.0 (#490) * Library Models: - Add library model for java.nio.file.Path.getParent() (#464) - Default models support for Spring's Autowired (#477) - Models for `Objects.requireNonNull()` with `Supplier` (#483) * Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself: - Small Gradle build cleanup (#469) - Allow Error Prone API version to be configured via a property (#470) - Also test NullAway on Error Prone 2.6.0 (#471) - Check our code with Error Prone 2.6.0 (#472) [temporary, see below] - Check code with Error Prone 2.7.1 (#480) - Update to Gradle 7.0.2 (#481) then 7.1 (#486) - Add a jmh module for benchmarking (#487, #489) - Test on CI with Error Prone 2.8.0 (#491) Version 0.9.1 -------------- * Add baseline support for (Java 15) records (#377) * Multiple build tooling fixed: - Update Gradle to 6.8.3 (#451) - Gradle: switch to java-library plugin where possible (#455) - Switch from mvn-push script to gradle-maven-publish-plugin (#457) - Fix publication of fat jar for jar-infer-cli. (#461) * Add JarInfer models for Android 11 (SDK 30) (#460) Version 0.9.0 -------------- * IMPORTANT: Error Prone minimum version moved to 2.4.0 (#447) - This allows compatibility with Error Prone 2.5.1 by moving to updated APIs. - Remove Checker Framework shadow config from nullaway module (#449) * `@Contract` annotations are now checked (#312) (#428) (#450) * Add support for @RequiresNonnull/@EnsuresNonnull annotations (#423) * [Fix] Handle WideningConversionNode in Map key specifiers (#415) * [Fix] Try to handle lombok.Builder without crashing. (#414) * [Fix] Ignore library models return nullability on first-party code (#446) * Update to Checker Dataflow dependency to 3.6.0 (#416) * Library Models: - Add library model for TextView.getLayout() (#418) - Add library model for Service.onStartCommand (#419) - Models for common Spring/Spark/Apache utility classes (#436) - Add support for jakarta.inject-api (#439) * Build / CI tooling for NullAway itself: - Update to Gradle 6.6.1 (#420) - Switch CI to GitHub Actions (#440) (#442) (#450) Version 0.8.0 -------------- * Improve suppression of subcheckers, using full AST path (#392) * Support null implies false library models (#394) * Make `@ChecksForNull` an alias for `@Nullable` (#397) * Fix:'s exit code. (#399) * Upgrade Error Prone dependencies to 2.4.0. (#400) - And fix detected issues (#403, #404) * Allow library models of the form null param -> null return (#407) * Make excluded class annotations work on nested classes (#412) * Improved Map handling: Strings and integers. (#413) * Also `-SNAPSHOT` builds are being published correctly again (#409) * New android-jarinfer-models-sdk29 artifact for Android 10 Version 0.7.10 -------------- * Add Java 8 streams nullness-propagation support (#371) * Give line numbers for uninitialized fields when reporting error on an initializer (#380) * Include outer$inner class name when reporting field init errors (#375) * Update to Gradle 6.1.1 (#381) * Add @MonotonicNonNull as lazy initialization annotation. (#383) * Add default library model for CompilationUnitTree.getPackageName() (#384) * Improve matching of native Map methods (#390) - Fixes an IndexOutOfBoundsException checker crash Version 0.7.9 ------------- * Multiple dependency upgrades - Gradle to 5.6.2. (#362) - WALA to 1.5.4 (#337) - Checker Dataflow to 3.0.0 (#369) * Added OPTIONAL_CONTENT synthetic field to track Optional emptiness (#364) - With this, `-XepOpt:NullAway:CheckOptionalEmptiness` should be ready for use. * Handle Nullchk operator (#368) Version 0.7.8 ------------- * Added NullAway.Optional suppression (#359) * [JarInfer] Ignore non-public classes when inferring annotations. (#360) Version 0.7.7 ------------- * [Optionals] Support Optional isPresent call in assertThat (#349) * Preconditions checkNotNull support, added missing cases. (#355) * [JarInfer] Use Android Nullable/NonNull annotations for AARs (not javax) (#357) Version 0.7.6 ------------- * Library models for guava's AsyncFunction (#328) * Annotate StringUtils.isBlank() of org.apache.commons (lang & lang3) (#330) * Adding support for Aar-to-aar transformation (#334) * Add support for @RecentlyNullable and @RecentlyNonNull (#335) * Update to Gradle 5.5.1 (#336) * Don't compute frames on bytecode writting in JarInfer (#338) * Use exact jar output path when possible in JarInfer (#339) * Avoid adding redundant annotations during bytecode rewriting in JarInfer (#341) * Handle cases when there are no annotations on methods or parameters in JarInfer (#342) * Fix #333 Nullaway init suppression issue (#343) * Add option to JarInfer to deal with signed jars (#345) * Fix #344 onActivityCreated known initializer (#346) * Skip read-before-init analysis for assert statements (#348) Version 0.7.5 ------------ * Allow models to override @nullable on third-party functional interfaces (#326) - Defines Guava's Function and Predicate as @NonNull->@NonNull by default. Version 0.7.4 ------------- * Add support for Jar to Jar transformation to JarInfer (#316) * Refactor the driver and annotation summary type in JarInfer (#317) * Minor refactor and cleanup in JarInfer-lib (#319) * Different approach for param analysis (#320) * Fix @NullableDecl support (#324) * Treat methods of final classes as final for initialization. (#325) Version 0.7.3 ------------- * Optional support for assertThat(...).isNotNull() statements (#304) * Fix NPE in AccessPathElement.toString() (#306) * Add tests for optional emptiness support with Rx (#308) * Support for assertThat in JUnit and Hamcrest. (#310) * Add support for CoreMatchers and core.IsNull in hamcrest. (#311) * Make class-level caches for InferredJARModelsHandler instance fields. (#315) Version 0.7.2 ------------- * Install GJF hook using a gradle task, rather than a gradlew hack (#298). * Nullable switch expression support (#300). * Upgrade to Error Prone 2.3.3 (#295). Update Gradle, Error Prone plugin, and Android Gradle Plugin (#294). Add support for UNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT (#303). Version 0.7.1 -------------- * Remove warning about @nullable var args (#296). Version 0.7.0 -------------- * Added Optional emptiness handler (#278). `-XepOpt:NullAway:CheckOptionalEmptiness=true` to enable (experimental) support for `Optional` emptiness. * Improved (partial but sound-er) varargs support (#291). * Refactor for ErrorMessage class use (#284). * Custom path to Optional class for Optional emptiness handler (#288). * Add support for methods taking literal constant args in Access Paths. (#285). Version 0.6.6 --------------- This only adds a minor library fix supporting Guava's Preconditions.checkNotNull with an error message argument (#283) Version 0.6.5 --------------- * Various fixes for generating @SuppressWarnings (#271) * Improved error message now doesn't tell users to report NullAway config errors to Error Prone (#273) * Adding support for Activity and Fragment coming from the support libraries (#275) * Library models fixes (#277) * Add Fragment.onViewCreated as a known initializer. (#279) Version 0.6.4 --------------- * Initial support for JDK 11 (#263). Core NullAway should be working, but JarInfer does not yet work. * Disable JarInfer handler by default (#261). `-XepOpt:NullAway:JarInferEnabled=true` is now required to enable the JarInfer handler. * Add models for Apache StringUtils isEmpty methods (#264) * Optimize library model lookups to reduce overhead (#265) Version 0.6.3 ------------- * Fix handling of enhanced for loops (#256) Version 0.6.2 ------------- * Handle lambda override with AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations (#255) * Handle interaction between AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations and TreatGeneratedAsUnannotated (#254) Version 0.6.1 ------------- * Enable excluded class annotations to (mostly) work on inner classes (#239) * Assertion of not equal to null updates the access path (#240) * Update Gradle examples in README (#244) * Change how jarinfer finds astubx model jars. (#243) * Update to Error Prone 2.3.2 (#242) * Update net.ltgt.errorprone to 0.6, and build updates ((#248) * Restrictive annotated method overriding (#249) Note: This can require significant annotation changes if `-XepOpt:NullAway:AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations=true` is set. Not a new minor version, since that option is false by default. * Fix error on checking the initTree2PrevFieldInit cache. (#252) * Add support for renamed packages in models. (#253) Version 0.6.0 ------------- * Add support for marking library parameters as explicitly @Nullable (#228) * De-genericize NullnessStore (#231) * Bump Checker Framework to 2.5.5 (#233) * Pass nullability info on enclosing locals into dataflow analysis for lambdas and anonymous / local classes (#235) Version 0.5.6 ------------- * Add coverage measurement through coveralls. (#224) * Fix empty comment added when AutoFixSuppressionComment is not set. (#225) * Make JarInfer generated jars fully deterministic by removing timestamps. (#227) Version 0.5.5 ------------- * Allow for custom Error URLS (#220) * Fix crash with native methods invoked from initializer (#222) Version 0.5.4 ------------- * Add AutoFixSuppressionComment flag. (#213) * [JarInfer] Write to/load from separate astubx model jars (#214) * Update readme and tooling versions (#217) * Update to Error Prone 2.3.1 and centralize Java compiler flags (#218) * [JarInfer] Handler for @Nullable return value annotations (#216) Version 0.5.3 ------------- * JarInfer: Third-party bytecode analysis (MVP version) (#199) * Handle @NotNull in hasNonNullAnnotation. (#204) * Handler for separate Android models jar (#206) * fix: zip entry size error (#207) * Small test for restrictive annotations and generics. (#209) * Create android-jarinfer-models-sdk28 and fix release scripts. (#210) * JarInfer checks for null tested parameters #211 Note: This is the first release to include jar-infer-cli, jar-infer-lib, and android-jarinfer-models-sdk28 artifacts Version 0.5.2 ------------- * Fix NPE in Thrift handler on complex receiver expressions (#195) * Add ExcludedFieldAnnotations unit tests. (#192) * Various crash fixes (#196) * Fix @NonNull argument detection in RestrictiveAnnotationHandler. (#198) Version 0.5.1 ------------- * Various fixes for AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations (#194) Version 0.5.0 ------------- * Breaking change: Warn when castToNonNull method is not passed @NonNull (#191) * Add -XepOpt:NullAway:AcknowledgeRestrictiveAnnotations config flag. (#189) - WARNING: This feature is broken in this release, fixed on 0.5.1 * Add support for LEFT_SHIFT and RIGHT_SHIFT (#188) * Remove a suppression from a test that doesn't need it. (#183) * Support Objects.isNull (#179) Version 0.4.7 ------------- * Clean up some unnecessary state (#168) * Properly read type use annotations when code is present as a class file (#172) * Fix NPE inside NullAway when initializer methods use try-with-resources (#177) Version 0.4.6 ------------- * Fix a couple of Thrift issues (#164) * Don't report initialization warnings on fields for @ExternalInit classes with no initializer methods (#166) Version 0.4.5 ------------- * Fix bug with handling Thrift `TBase.isSet()` calls (#161) Version 0.4.4 ------------- * add UnannotatedClasses option (#160) Version 0.4.3 ------------- * properly handle compound assignments (#157) * handle unboxing of array index expression (#158) Version 0.4.2 ------------- * Upgrade Checker Framework dependency to upstream version 2.5.0 (#150) * Don't crash on field initialization inside an enum (#146) * Properly find super constructor for anonymous classes (#147) * Add a Handler for supporting isSetXXXX() methods in Thrift-generated code (#148) * Use `@SuppressWarnings` as autofix in a couple more places (#149) Version 0.4.1 ------------- * Initial RxNullabilityPropagator support for method references. (#141) Version 0.4.0 ------------- * Support for checking uses of method references (#139, #140). Note that this may lead to new NullAway warnings being reported for code that previously passed. * Add support for `Observable.doOnNext` to RxNullabilityPropagator (#137) Version 0.3.7 ------------- * Small bug fix in `@Contract` support (#136) Version 0.3.6 ------------- * Support for a subset of JetBrains `@Contract` annotations (#129) * Built-in support for JUnit 4/5 assertNotNull, Objects.requireNonNull * Fix crash when using try-with-resource with an empty try block. (#135) Version 0.3.5 ------------- * Support for treating `@Generated`-annotated classes as unannotated (#127) Version 0.3.4 ------------- * Support for classes with external initialization (#124) Version 0.3.3 ------------- * Made dependence on Guava explicit (#120) * Significantly improved handling of try/finally (#123) Version 0.3.2 ------------- * Just fixed a Gradle configuration problem Version 0.3.1 (never made it to Maven Central) ------------- * Bug fixes (#107, #108, #110, #112) Version 0.3.0 ------------- * Update library models to require full method signatures rather than just method names (#90). This is an API-breaking change; if you've written your own library models, they will need to be updated. * Support @BeforeEach and @BeforeAll as initializer annotations, and @Inject and @LazyInit as excluded field annotations. (#81) * Support Checker Framework's @NullableDecl annotation (#84) * Add models for java.util.Deque methods (#86) * Add model for WebView.getUrl() (#91) Version 0.2.2 ------------- * minor fixes (#69, #71) Version 0.2.1 ------------- * Fix bug with accesses of fields from unannotated packages (#67) * Add models for ArrayDeque (#68) Version 0.2.0 ------------- * New feature: NullAway now does some checking that `@NonNull` fields are not used before the are initialized (#58, #63). Updating to 0.2.0 may cause "read before initialized" problems to be detected in code that was NullAway-clean before. * Model `Throwable.getMessage()` as returning `@Nullable`, matching the spec. This may also cause new warnings in code that was previously NullAway-clean. Version 0.1.8 ------------- * Make NullAway's Error Prone dependence compileOnly (#50). This could help reduce size of annotation processor paths, speeding build times. * Handle AND, OR, XOR expressions getting autoboxed (#55) * Handle @Nullable type use annotations (#56) Version 0.1.7 ------------- * -XepOpt:NullAway:ExcludedClasses accepts package prefixes. (#38) * Handle unary minus and unary plus (#40) * Handle prefix increment / decrement (#43) * add check for unannotated packages when excluding a class (#46) Version 0.1.6 ------------- * We now check static fields and initializer blocks (#34) * Fix for lambdas where the functional interface method had `void` return type (#37) Version 0.1.5 ------------- * Add finer grained suppressions and auto-fixes (#31). You can suppress initialization errors specifically now with `@SuppressWarnings("NullAway.Init")` * Fix performance issue with lambdas (#29) * Add lambda support to the RxNullabilityPropagator handler. (#12) Version 0.1.4 ------------- * Another lambda fix (#23) Version 0.1.3 ------------- * Fixes for lambdas (#13, #17) Version 0.1.2 ------------- * Downgrade Checker Framework due to crash (#7) * More modeling of Rx operators (#8) Version 0.1.1 ------------- * Update Checker Framework dependence to pick up bug fix (#4) Version 0.1.0 ------------- * Initial release