cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.4.1) ### INCLUDE OBOE LIBRARY ### # Set the path to the Oboe library directory set (OBOE_DIR ../../../../..) # Add the Oboe library as a subproject. Since Oboe is an out-of-tree source library we must also # specify a binary directory add_subdirectory(${OBOE_DIR} ./oboe-bin) # Include the Oboe headers include_directories(${OBOE_DIR}/include ${OBOE_DIR}/samples/shared ${OBOE_DIR}/samples/debug-utils) ### END OBOE INCLUDE SECTION ### add_library( megadrone SHARED native-lib.cpp MegaDroneEngine.cpp ) target_link_libraries( megadrone log oboe ) # Enable optimization flags: if having problems with source level debugging, # disable -Ofast ( and debug ), re-enable it after done debugging. target_compile_options(megadrone PRIVATE -Wall -Werror -Ofast)