# infra
> OSS-Fuzz project infrastructure

Core infrastructure:
* [`base-images`](base-images/) - docker images for building fuzz targets & corresponding jenkins

Continuous Integration infrastructure:

* [`libfuzzer-pipeline.groovy`](libfuzzer-pipeline.groovy/) - jenkins pipeline that runs for each OSS-Fuzz
* [`docker-cleanup`](docker-cleanup/) - jenkins pipeline to clean stale docker images & processes.
* [`push-images`](push-images/) - jenkins pipeline to push built base images.
* [`jenkins-cluster`](jenkins-cluster/) - kubernetes cluster definition for our jenkins-based build (not operational yet,

## helper.py
> script to automate common docker operations

| Command | Description |
| `generate`      | Generates skeleton files for a new project |
| `build_image`   | Builds a docker image for a given project |
| `build_fuzzers` | Builds fuzz targets for a given project |
| `run_fuzzer`    | Runs a fuzz target in a docker container |
| `coverage`      | Runs fuzz target(s) in a docker container and generates a code coverage report. See [Code Coverage doc](https://google.github.io/oss-fuzz/advanced-topics/code-coverage/) |
| `reproduce`     | Runs a testcase to reproduce a crash |
| `shell`         | Starts a shell inside the docker image for a project |