# Perfetto Protobuf definitions

There are three groups of protos in the respective perfetto/X directories:

`trace/`: This directory contains all protos that are output-ed by Perfetto
when capturing a trace.

`config/`: This directory contains the configuration passed as input to
various parts of Perfetto, such as:
  * (i) the whole trace config that the Consumer sends to the Perfetto trace
  * (ii) the per-data-source config that the trace daemon relays to each
  * (iii) the per-data-source descriptor that each Producer advertises to the
    trace daemon when registering.

`ipc/`: This directory contains the definition of the IPC surface between
the Perfetto components (Producer, trace daemon and Consumer(s)). This is
relevant only in some Perfetto build configuration (i.e. in Android but not
in Chrome).