# Perfetto UI

## Quick Start

$ git clone https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/perfetto/
$ cd perfetto

# Will build into ./out/ui by default. Can be changed with --out path/
# The final bundle will be available at ./ui/out/dist/.
# The build script creates a symlink from ./ui/out to $OUT_PATH/ui/.

# This will automatically build the UI. There is no need to manually run
# ui/build before running ui/run-dev-server.

Then navigate to `http://localhost:10000`.

See also https://perfetto.dev/docs/contributing/build-instructions#ui-development

## Unit tests

ui/run-unittests  # Add --watch to run them in watch mode.

## Integration tests (browser screenshot difftests)


To rebaseline screenshots after a UI change

ui/run-integrationtests --rebaseline

tools/test_data upload

git add -A

git commit

See also https://perfetto.dev/docs/contributing/testing#ui-pixel-diff-tests