# Stardoc - Starlark Documentation Generator

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Stardoc is a documentation generator for [Bazel](https://bazel.build) build rules
written in [Starlark](https://bazel.build/docs/skylark/index.html).

Stardoc provides a Starlark rule (`stardoc`, see [documentation](docs/stardoc_rule.md)) that can
be used to build documentation for Starlark rules in Markdown. Stardoc generates one documentation
page per `.bzl`file.

## Get Started

* How to [set up Stardoc for your project](docs/getting_started_stardoc.md)
* Writing [docstrings](docs/writing_stardoc.md)
* How to [integrate Stardoc with your build](docs/generating_stardoc.md).
* See also [Advanced Topics](docs/advanced_stardoc_usage.md).

## About Stardoc

* Stardoc [rule reference](docs/stardoc_rule.md).
* How to [contribute to Stardoc](docs/contributing.md)

## Skydoc deprecation

Stardoc is a replacement for the **deprecated** "Skydoc" documentation generator.

See [Skydoc Deprecation](docs/skydoc_deprecation.md) for
details on the deprecation and migration details.