adb can be configured to work with systemd-style socket activation, allowing the daemon to start automatically when the adb control port is forwarded across a network. You need two files, placed in the usual systemd service directories (e.g., ~/.config/systemd/user for a user service). adb.service: --- START adb.service CUT HERE --- [Unit] Description=adb After=adb.socket Requires=adb.socket [Service] Type=simple # FD 3 is part of the systemd interface ExecStart=/path/to/adb server nodaemon -L acceptfd:3 --- END adb.service CUT HERE --- --- START adb.socket CUT HERE --- [Unit] Description=adb PartOf=adb.service [Socket] ListenStream= Accept=no [Install] --- END adb.socket CUT HERE --- After installing the adb service, the adb server will be started automatically on any connection to (the default adb control port), even after adb kill-server kills the server. Other "superserver" launcher systems (like macOS launchd) can be configured analogously. The important part is that adb be started with "server" and "nodaemon" command line arguments and that the listen address (passed to -L) name a file descriptor that's ready to accept(2) connections and that's already bound to the desired address and listening. inetd-style pre-accepted sockets do _not_ work in this configuration: the file descriptor passed to acceptfd must be the serve socket, not the accepted connection socket.