How the test works
ApkVerityTestApp is a test helper app to be installed with fs-verity signature
file (.fsv\_sig). In order for this CTS test to run on a release build across
vendors, the signature needs to be verified against a release certificate loaded
to kernel.

How to modify the test helper app
Modifying the test helper app will also require to sign the apk with a local debug
key. You will also need to point the test to use your local build.

How to load debug key
On debuggable build, it can be done by:

adb root
adb shell 'mini-keyctl padd asymmetric fsv-play .fs-verity' < fsverity-debug.x509.der

On user build, the keyring is closed and doesn't accept extra key. A workaround
is to copy the .der file to /system/etc/security/fsverity. Upon reboot, the
certificate will be loaded to kernel as usual.

How to use the app built locally
You need to override the prebuilts with the debug build.

1. Build the debug artifacts by `m CtsApkVerityTestDebugFiles`. Copy the output
   to a temporary directory, e.g.

(cd $ANDROID_BUILD_TOP && cp `cat

2. Copy files to create bad app, e.g. in /tmp/prebuilts,

cp CtsApkVerityTestApp.apk CtsApkVerityTestApp2.apk
cp CtsApkVerityTestAppSplit.apk.fsv_sig CtsApkVerityTestApp2.apk.fsv_sig

3. Rename file names to match the test expectation.
for f in CtsApkVerityTestApp*; do echo $f | sed -E 's/([^.]+)\.(.+)/mv & \1Prebuilt.\2/'; done | sh

4. Run the test.

atest CtsAppSecurityHostTestCases:android.appsecurity.cts.ApkVerityInstallTest

How to update the prebuilts

1. Download CtsApkVerityTestApp.apk, CtsApkVerityTestApp.apk.idsig and CtsApkVerityTestAppSplit.apk.
The current prebuilts are downloaded from the links below.


2. Ask the key owner to sign the .apk files with the "fsverity-release" key
   (example: b/253983589).
3. Receive the release signature .fsv\_sig.
4. Override CtsApkVerityTestApp2 to create a bad signature.

cp CtsApkVerityTestApp.apk CtsApkVerityTestApp2.apk
cp CtsApkVerityTestAppSplit.apk.fsv_sig CtsApkVerityTestApp2.apk.fsv_sig

5. Rename to "Prebuilt".

for f in CtsApkVerityTestApp*; do echo $f | sed -E 's/([^.]+)\.(.+)/mv & \1Prebuilt.\2/'; done | sh

6. Duplicate arm64 prebuilts into arm and arm64, x86\_64 into x86 and x86\_64.