# ExoPlayer FFmpeg extension # The FFmpeg extension provides `FfmpegAudioRenderer`, which uses FFmpeg for decoding and can render audio encoded in a variety of formats. ## License note ## Please note that whilst the code in this repository is licensed under [Apache 2.0][], using this extension also requires building and including one or more external libraries as described below. These are licensed separately. [Apache 2.0]: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/blob/release-v2/LICENSE ## Build instructions (Linux, macOS) ## To use this extension you need to clone the ExoPlayer repository and depend on its modules locally. Instructions for doing this can be found in ExoPlayer's [top level README][]. The extension is not provided via JCenter (see [#2781][] for more information). In addition, it's necessary to build the extension's native components as follows: * Set the following shell variable: ``` cd "" FFMPEG_EXT_PATH="$(pwd)/extensions/ffmpeg/src/main/jni" ``` * Download the [Android NDK][] and set its location in a shell variable. This build configuration has been tested on NDK r20. ``` NDK_PATH="" ``` * Set the host platform (use "darwin-x86_64" for Mac OS X): ``` HOST_PLATFORM="linux-x86_64" ``` * Configure the decoders to include. See the [Supported formats][] page for details of the available decoders, and which formats they support. ``` ENABLED_DECODERS=(vorbis opus flac) ``` * Fetch and build FFmpeg. Executing `build_ffmpeg.sh` will fetch and build FFmpeg 4.2 for `armeabi-v7a`, `arm64-v8a`, `x86` and `x86_64`. The script can be edited if you need to build for different architectures. ``` cd "${FFMPEG_EXT_PATH}" && \ ./build_ffmpeg.sh \ "${FFMPEG_EXT_PATH}" "${NDK_PATH}" "${HOST_PLATFORM}" "${ENABLED_DECODERS[@]}" ``` * Build the JNI native libraries, setting `APP_ABI` to include the architectures built in the previous step. For example: ``` cd "${FFMPEG_EXT_PATH}" && \ ${NDK_PATH}/ndk-build APP_ABI="armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64" -j4 ``` ## Build instructions (Windows) ## We do not provide support for building this extension on Windows, however it should be possible to follow the Linux instructions in [Windows PowerShell][]. [Windows PowerShell]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/getting-started/getting-started-with-windows-powershell ## Using the extension ## Once you've followed the instructions above to check out, build and depend on the extension, the next step is to tell ExoPlayer to use `FfmpegAudioRenderer`. How you do this depends on which player API you're using: * If you're passing a `DefaultRenderersFactory` to `SimpleExoPlayer.Builder`, you can enable using the extension by setting the `extensionRendererMode` parameter of the `DefaultRenderersFactory` constructor to `EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_ON`. This will use `FfmpegAudioRenderer` for playback if `MediaCodecAudioRenderer` doesn't support the input format. Pass `EXTENSION_RENDERER_MODE_PREFER` to give `FfmpegAudioRenderer` priority over `MediaCodecAudioRenderer`. * If you've subclassed `DefaultRenderersFactory`, add an `FfmpegAudioRenderer` to the output list in `buildAudioRenderers`. ExoPlayer will use the first `Renderer` in the list that supports the input media format. * If you've implemented your own `RenderersFactory`, return an `FfmpegAudioRenderer` instance from `createRenderers`. ExoPlayer will use the first `Renderer` in the returned array that supports the input media format. * If you're using `ExoPlayer.Builder`, pass an `FfmpegAudioRenderer` in the array of `Renderer`s. ExoPlayer will use the first `Renderer` in the list that supports the input media format. Note: These instructions assume you're using `DefaultTrackSelector`. If you have a custom track selector the choice of `Renderer` is up to your implementation, so you need to make sure you are passing an `FfmpegAudioRenderer` to the player, then implement your own logic to use the renderer for a given track. [top level README]: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/blob/release-v2/README.md [Android NDK]: https://developer.android.com/tools/sdk/ndk/index.html [#2781]: https://github.com/google/ExoPlayer/issues/2781 [Supported formats]: https://exoplayer.dev/supported-formats.html#ffmpeg-extension ## Using the extension in the demo application ## To try out playback using the extension in the [demo application][], see [enabling extension decoders][]. [demo application]: https://exoplayer.dev/demo-application.html [enabling extension decoders]: https://exoplayer.dev/demo-application.html#enabling-extension-decoders ## Links ## * [Troubleshooting using extensions][] * [Javadoc][]: Classes matching `com.google.android.exoplayer2.ext.ffmpeg.*` belong to this module. [Troubleshooting using extensions]: https://exoplayer.dev/troubleshooting.html#how-can-i-get-a-decoding-extension-to-load-and-be-used-for-playback [Javadoc]: https://exoplayer.dev/doc/reference/index.html