All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AacUtil |
Utility methods for handling AAC audio streams.
AacUtil.AacAudioObjectType |
Valid AAC Audio object types.
AacUtil.Config |
Holds sample format information for AAC audio.
AbstractConcatenatedTimeline |
Abstract base class for the concatenation of one or more Timeline s.
Ac3Extractor |
Extracts data from (E-)AC-3 bitstreams.
Ac3Reader |
Parses a continuous (E-)AC-3 byte stream and extracts individual samples.
Ac3Util |
Utility methods for parsing Dolby TrueHD and (E-)AC-3 syncframes.
Ac3Util.SyncFrameInfo |
Holds sample format information as presented by a syncframe header.
Ac3Util.SyncFrameInfo.StreamType |
AC3 stream types.
Ac4Extractor |
Extracts data from AC-4 bitstreams.
Ac4Reader |
Parses a continuous AC-4 byte stream and extracts individual samples.
Ac4Util |
Utility methods for parsing AC-4 frames, which are access units in AC-4 bitstreams.
Ac4Util.SyncFrameInfo |
Holds sample format information as presented by a syncframe header.
Action |
Base class for actions to perform during playback tests.
Action.AddMediaItems |
Action.ClearMediaItems |
Action.ClearVideoSurface |
Action.ExecuteRunnable |
Calls .
Action.MoveMediaItem |
Action.PlayUntilPosition |
Schedules a play action to be executed, waits until the player reaches the specified position,
and pauses the player again.
Action.Prepare |
Action.RemoveMediaItem |
Action.RemoveMediaItems |
Action.Seek |
Action.SendMessages |
Action.SetAudioAttributes |
Action.SetMediaItems |
Action.SetMediaItemsResetPosition |
Action.SetPlaybackParameters |
Action.SetPlayWhenReady |
Action.SetRendererDisabled |
Action.SetRepeatMode |
Action.SetShuffleModeEnabled |
Action.SetShuffleOrder |
Action.SetVideoSurface |
Action.Stop |
Action.ThrowPlaybackException |
Throws a playback exception on the playback thread.
Action.WaitForIsLoading |
Action.WaitForMessage |
Waits for a player message to arrive.
Action.WaitForPendingPlayerCommands |
Waits until the player acknowledged all pending player commands.
Action.WaitForPlaybackState |
Action.WaitForPlayWhenReady |
Action.WaitForPositionDiscontinuity |
Action.WaitForTimelineChanged |
ActionSchedule |
Schedules a sequence of Action s for execution during a test.
ActionSchedule.Builder |
ActionSchedule.Callback |
Callback to notify listener that the action schedule has finished.
ActionSchedule.PlayerRunnable |
Provides a wrapper for a Runnable which has access to the player.
ActionSchedule.PlayerTarget |
Provides a wrapper for a PlayerMessage.Target which has access to the player when handling messages.
ActionSchedule.PlayerTarget.Callback |
Callback to be called when message arrives.
AdaptationSet |
Represents a set of interchangeable encoded versions of a media content component.
AdaptiveTrackSelection |
A bandwidth based adaptive ExoTrackSelection , whose selected track is updated to be the
one of highest quality given the current network conditions and the state of the buffer.
AdaptiveTrackSelection.AdaptationCheckpoint |
Checkpoint to determine allocated bandwidth.
AdaptiveTrackSelection.Factory |
AdditionalFailureInfo |
A JUnit Rule that attaches additional info to any errors/exceptions thrown by the test.
AdOverlayInfo |
Provides information about an overlay view shown on top of an ad view group.
AdOverlayInfo.Builder |
AdOverlayInfo.Purpose |
The purpose of the overlay.
AdPlaybackState |
Represents ad group times and information on the state and URIs of ads within each ad group.
AdPlaybackState.AdGroup |
Represents a group of ads, with information about their states.
AdPlaybackState.AdState |
Represents the state of an ad in an ad group.
AdsLoader |
AdsLoader.EventListener |
Listener for ads loader events.
AdsLoader.Provider |
AdsMediaSource |
A MediaSource that inserts ads linearly into a provided content media source.
AdsMediaSource.AdLoadException |
AdsMediaSource.AdLoadException.Type |
Types of ad load exceptions.
AdtsExtractor |
Extracts data from AAC bit streams with ADTS framing.
AdtsExtractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
AdtsReader |
Parses a continuous ADTS byte stream and extracts individual frames.
AdViewProvider |
Provides information about views for the ad playback UI.
AesCipherDataSink |
A wrapping DataSink that encrypts the data being consumed.
AesCipherDataSource |
A DataSource that decrypts the data read from an upstream source.
AesFlushingCipher |
A flushing variant of a AES/CTR/NoPadding Cipher .
Allocation |
An allocation within a byte array.
Allocator |
A source of allocations.
Allocator.AllocationNode |
AmrExtractor |
Extracts data from the AMR containers format (either AMR or AMR-WB).
AmrExtractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
AnalyticsCollector |
AnalyticsListener |
A listener for analytics events.
AnalyticsListener.EventFlags |
AnalyticsListener.Events |
AnalyticsListener.EventTime |
Time information of an event.
ApicFrame |
APIC (Attached Picture) ID3 frame.
AppInfoTable |
A representation of a DVB Application Information Table (AIT).
AppInfoTableDecoder |
Decoder for the DVB Application Information Table (AIT).
AspectRatioFrameLayout |
A FrameLayout that resizes itself to match a specified aspect ratio.
AspectRatioFrameLayout.AspectRatioListener |
Listener to be notified about changes of the aspect ratios of this view.
AspectRatioFrameLayout.ResizeMode |
Assertions |
Provides methods for asserting the truth of expressions and properties.
AssetContentProvider |
AssetDataSource |
AssetDataSource.AssetDataSourceException |
Thrown when an IOException is encountered reading a local asset.
AtomicFile |
A helper class for performing atomic operations on a file by creating a backup file until a write
has successfully completed.
AudioAttributes |
Attributes for audio playback, which configure the underlying platform AudioTrack .
AudioAttributes.Builder |
AudioCapabilities |
Represents the set of audio formats that a device is capable of playing.
AudioCapabilitiesReceiver |
AudioCapabilitiesReceiver.Listener |
Listener notified when audio capabilities change.
AudioProcessor |
Interface for audio processors, which take audio data as input and transform it, potentially
modifying its channel count, encoding and/or sample rate.
AudioProcessor.AudioFormat |
PCM audio format that may be handled by an audio processor.
AudioProcessor.UnhandledAudioFormatException |
Exception thrown when a processor can't be configured for a given input audio format.
AudioRendererEventListener |
AudioRendererEventListener.EventDispatcher |
AudioSink |
A sink that consumes audio data.
AudioSink.ConfigurationException |
Thrown when a failure occurs configuring the sink.
AudioSink.InitializationException |
Thrown when a failure occurs initializing the sink.
AudioSink.Listener |
Listener for audio sink events.
AudioSink.SinkFormatSupport |
The level of support the sink provides for a format.
AudioSink.UnexpectedDiscontinuityException |
Thrown when the sink encounters an unexpected timestamp discontinuity.
AudioSink.WriteException |
Thrown when a failure occurs writing to the sink.
AuxEffectInfo |
Represents auxiliary effect information, which can be used to attach an auxiliary effect to an
underlying AudioTrack .
AvcConfig |
AVC configuration data.
BandwidthMeter |
Provides estimates of the currently available bandwidth.
BandwidthMeter.EventListener |
BandwidthMeter.EventListener.EventDispatcher |
Event dispatcher which allows listener registration.
BaseAudioProcessor |
Base class for audio processors that keep an output buffer and an internal buffer that is reused
whenever input is queued.
BaseDataSource |
BaseMediaChunk |
BaseMediaChunkIterator |
BaseMediaChunkOutput |
BaseMediaSource |
BasePlayer |
Abstract base Player which implements common implementation independent methods.
BaseRenderer |
An abstract base class suitable for most Renderer implementations.
BaseTrackSelection |
BaseUrl |
A base URL, as defined by ISO 23009-1, 2nd edition, 5.6.
BaseUrlExclusionList |
Holds the state of excluded base URLs to be used to select a base URL based on these exclusions.
BehindLiveWindowException |
Thrown when a live playback falls behind the available media window.
BinaryFrame |
Binary ID3 frame.
BinarySearchSeeker |
A seeker that supports seeking within a stream by searching for the target frame using binary
BinarySearchSeeker.BinarySearchSeekMap |
BinarySearchSeeker.DefaultSeekTimestampConverter |
BinarySearchSeeker.SeekOperationParams |
BinarySearchSeeker.SeekTimestampConverter |
A converter that converts seek time in stream time into target timestamp for the BinarySearchSeeker .
BinarySearchSeeker.TimestampSearchResult |
BinarySearchSeeker.TimestampSeeker |
A seeker that looks for a given timestamp from an input.
Buffer |
Base class for buffers with flags.
Bundleable |
Bundleable.Creator<T extends Bundleable> |
Interface for the static CREATOR field of Bundleable classes.
BundleableUtil |
BundledChunkExtractor |
BundledExtractorsAdapter |
BundledHlsMediaChunkExtractor |
BundleListRetriever |
A Binder to transfer a list of Bundles across processes by splitting the
list into multiple transactions.
BundleUtil |
ByteArrayDataSink |
ByteArrayDataSource |
C |
Defines constants used by the library.
C.AudioAllowedCapturePolicy |
Capture policies for audio attributes.
C.AudioContentType |
Content types for audio attributes.
C.AudioFlags |
Flags for audio attributes.
C.AudioUsage |
Usage types for audio attributes.
C.BufferFlags |
Flags which can apply to a buffer containing a media sample.
C.ColorRange |
Video color range.
C.ColorSpace |
Video colorspaces.
C.ColorTransfer |
Video color transfer characteristics.
C.ContentType |
Represents a streaming or other media type.
C.CryptoMode |
Crypto modes for a codec.
C.CryptoType |
Types of crypto implementation.
C.DataType |
Represents a type of data.
C.Encoding |
Represents an audio encoding, or an invalid or unset value.
C.FormatSupport |
Level of renderer support for a format.
C.NetworkType |
Network connection type.
C.PcmEncoding |
Represents a PCM audio encoding, or an invalid or unset value.
C.Projection |
Video projection types.
C.RoleFlags |
Track role flags.
C.SelectionFlags |
Track selection flags.
C.SelectionReason |
Represents a reason for selection.
C.SpatializationBehavior |
Represents the behavior affecting whether spatialization will be used.
C.StereoMode |
The stereo mode for 360/3D/VR videos.
C.StreamType |
C.TrackType |
Represents a type of media track.
C.VideoChangeFrameRateStrategy |
C.VideoOutputMode |
Video decoder output modes.
C.VideoScalingMode |
Video scaling modes for MediaCodec -based renderers.
C.WakeMode |
Mode specifying whether the player should hold a WakeLock and a WifiLock.
Cache |
A cache that supports partial caching of resources.
Cache.CacheException |
Thrown when an error is encountered when writing data.
Cache.Listener |
Listener of Cache events.
CacheAsserts |
Assertion methods for Cache .
CacheAsserts.RequestSet |
Defines a set of data requests.
CacheDataSink |
Writes data into a cache.
CacheDataSink.CacheDataSinkException |
Thrown when an IOException is encountered when writing data to the sink.
CacheDataSink.Factory |
CacheDataSource |
CacheDataSource.CacheIgnoredReason |
Reasons the cache may be ignored.
CacheDataSource.EventListener |
CacheDataSource.Factory |
CacheDataSource.Flags |
Flags controlling the CacheDataSource's behavior.
CachedRegionTracker |
Utility class for efficiently tracking regions of data that are stored in a Cache for a
given cache key.
CacheEvictor |
Evicts data from a Cache .
CacheKeyFactory |
Factory for cache keys.
CacheSpan |
Defines a span of data that may or may not be cached (as indicated by CacheSpan.isCached ).
CacheWriter |
Caching related utility methods.
CacheWriter.ProgressListener |
Receives progress updates during cache operations.
CameraMotionListener |
Listens camera motion.
CameraMotionRenderer |
A Renderer that parses the camera motion track.
CaptionStyleCompat |
CaptionStyleCompat.EdgeType |
The type of edge, which may be none.
CapturingAudioSink |
CapturingRenderersFactory |
CastPlayer |
Player implementation that communicates with a Cast receiver app.
Cea608Decoder |
A SubtitleDecoder for CEA-608 (also known as "line 21 captions" and "EIA-608").
Cea708Decoder |
CeaUtil |
Utility methods for handling CEA-608/708 messages.
ChapterFrame |
Chapter information ID3 frame.
ChapterTocFrame |
Chapter table of contents ID3 frame.
Chunk |
An abstract base class for Loader.Loadable implementations that load chunks of data required for
the playback of streams.
ChunkExtractor |
Extracts samples and track Formats from chunks.
ChunkExtractor.Factory |
ChunkExtractor.TrackOutputProvider |
Provides TrackOutput instances to be written to during extraction.
ChunkHolder |
Holds a chunk or an indication that the end of the stream has been reached.
ChunkIndex |
Defines chunks of samples within a media stream.
ChunkSampleStream<T extends ChunkSource> |
ChunkSampleStream.ReleaseCallback<T extends ChunkSource> |
A callback to be notified when a sample stream has finished being released.
ChunkSource |
ClippingMediaPeriod |
ClippingMediaSource |
MediaSource that wraps a source and clips its timeline based on specified start/end
ClippingMediaSource.IllegalClippingException |
ClippingMediaSource.IllegalClippingException.Reason |
The reason clipping failed.
Clock |
An interface through which system clocks can be read and HandlerWrapper s created.
Codec |
Codec.DecoderFactory |
Codec.EncoderFactory |
CodecSpecificDataUtil |
Provides utilities for handling various types of codec-specific data.
ColorInfo |
Stores color info.
ColorParser |
Parser for color expressions found in styling formats, e.g.
CommentFrame |
Comment ID3 frame.
CompositeMediaSource<T> |
Composite MediaSource consisting of multiple child sources.
CompositeSequenceableLoader |
CompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory |
ConcatenatingMediaSource |
ConditionVariable |
An interruptible condition variable.
ConstantBitrateSeekMap |
A SeekMap implementation that assumes the stream has a constant bitrate and consists of
multiple independent frames of the same size.
Consumer<T> |
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
ContainerMediaChunk |
ContentDataSource |
ContentDataSource.ContentDataSourceException |
Thrown when an IOException is encountered reading from a content URI.
ContentMetadata |
Interface for an immutable snapshot of keyed metadata.
ContentMetadataMutations |
Defines multiple mutations on metadata value which are applied atomically.
CopyOnWriteMultiset<E> |
An unordered collection of elements that allows duplicates, but also allows access to a set of
unique elements.
CronetDataSource |
DataSource without intermediate buffer based on Cronet API set using UrlRequest.
CronetDataSource.Factory |
CronetDataSource.OpenException |
CronetDataSourceFactory |
CronetEngineWrapper |
CronetUtil |
Cronet utility methods.
CryptoConfig |
Configuration for a decoder to allow it to decode encrypted media data.
CryptoException |
Thrown when a non-platform component fails to decrypt data.
CryptoInfo |
Metadata describing the structure of an encrypted input sample.
Cue |
Contains information about a specific cue, including textual content and formatting data.
Cue.AnchorType |
The type of anchor, which may be unset.
Cue.Builder |
A builder for Cue objects.
Cue.LineType |
The type of line, which may be unset.
Cue.TextSizeType |
The type of default text size for this cue, which may be unset.
Cue.VerticalType |
The type of vertical layout for this cue, which may be unset (i.e.
CueDecoder |
CueEncoder |
DashChunkSource |
DashChunkSource.Factory |
DashDownloader |
A downloader for DASH streams.
DashManifest |
Represents a DASH media presentation description (mpd), as defined by ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014
DashManifestParser |
A parser of media presentation description files.
DashManifestParser.RepresentationInfo |
A parsed Representation element.
DashManifestStaleException |
Thrown when a live playback's manifest is stale and a new manifest could not be loaded.
DashMediaSource |
DashMediaSource.Factory |
DashSegmentIndex |
Indexes the segments within a media stream.
DashUtil |
Utility methods for DASH streams.
DashWrappingSegmentIndex |
DatabaseIOException |
DatabaseProvider |
DataChunk |
A base class for Chunk implementations where the data should be loaded into a
byte[] before being consumed.
DataReader |
Reads bytes from a data stream.
DataSchemeDataSource |
A DataSource for reading data URLs, as defined by RFC 2397.
DataSink |
A component to which streams of data can be written.
DataSink.Factory |
DataSource |
Reads data from URI-identified resources.
DataSource.Factory |
DataSourceContractTest |
A collection of contract tests for DataSource implementations.
DataSourceContractTest.FakeTransferListener |
DataSourceContractTest.TestResource |
Information about a resource that can be used to test the DataSource instance.
DataSourceContractTest.TestResource.Builder |
DataSourceException |
Used to specify reason of a DataSource error.
DataSourceInputStream |
DataSourceUtil |
DataSpec |
Defines a region of data in a resource.
DataSpec.Builder |
DataSpec.Flags |
The flags that apply to any request for data.
DataSpec.HttpMethod |
DebugTextViewHelper |
A helper class for periodically updating a TextView with debug information obtained from
an ExoPlayer .
Decoder<I,O,E extends DecoderException> |
A media decoder.
DecoderAudioRenderer<T extends Decoder<DecoderInputBuffer,? extends SimpleDecoderOutputBuffer,? extends DecoderException>> |
Decodes and renders audio using a Decoder .
DecoderCounters |
Maintains decoder event counts, for debugging purposes only.
DecoderCountersUtil |
DecoderException |
Thrown when a Decoder error occurs.
DecoderInputBuffer |
Holds input for a decoder.
DecoderInputBuffer.BufferReplacementMode |
The buffer replacement mode.
DecoderInputBuffer.InsufficientCapacityException |
DecoderOutputBuffer |
Output buffer decoded by a Decoder .
DecoderOutputBuffer.Owner<S extends DecoderOutputBuffer> |
Buffer owner.
DecoderReuseEvaluation |
The result of an evaluation to determine whether a decoder can be reused for a new input format.
DecoderReuseEvaluation.DecoderDiscardReasons |
Possible reasons why reuse is not possible.
DecoderReuseEvaluation.DecoderReuseResult |
Possible outcomes of the evaluation.
DecoderVideoRenderer |
Decodes and renders video using a Decoder .
DefaultAllocator |
DefaultAnalyticsCollector |
DefaultAudioSink |
Plays audio data.
DefaultAudioSink.AudioProcessorChain |
Provides a chain of audio processors, which are used for any user-defined processing and
applying playback parameters (if supported).
DefaultAudioSink.Builder |
DefaultAudioSink.DefaultAudioProcessorChain |
DefaultAudioSink.InvalidAudioTrackTimestampException |
DefaultAudioSink.OffloadMode |
Audio offload mode configuration.
DefaultAudioSink.OutputMode |
Output mode of the audio sink.
DefaultAudioTrackBufferSizeProvider |
Provide the buffer size to use when creating an AudioTrack .
DefaultAudioTrackBufferSizeProvider.Builder |
DefaultBandwidthMeter |
Estimates bandwidth by listening to data transfers.
DefaultBandwidthMeter.Builder |
Builder for a bandwidth meter.
DefaultCastOptionsProvider |
A convenience OptionsProvider to target the default cast receiver app.
DefaultCompositeSequenceableLoaderFactory |
DefaultContentMetadata |
DefaultDashChunkSource |
DefaultDashChunkSource.Factory |
DefaultDashChunkSource.RepresentationHolder |
DefaultDashChunkSource.RepresentationSegmentIterator |
DefaultDatabaseProvider |
DefaultDataSource |
DefaultDataSource.Factory |
DefaultDataSourceFactory |
DefaultDownloaderFactory |
Default DownloaderFactory , supporting creation of progressive, DASH, HLS and
SmoothStreaming downloaders.
DefaultDownloadIndex |
DefaultDrmSessionManager |
DefaultDrmSessionManager.Builder |
DefaultDrmSessionManager.MissingSchemeDataException |
DefaultDrmSessionManager.Mode |
Determines the action to be done after a session acquired.
DefaultDrmSessionManagerProvider |
DefaultExtractorInput |
DefaultExtractorsFactory |
DefaultHlsDataSourceFactory |
DefaultHlsExtractorFactory |
DefaultHlsPlaylistParserFactory |
DefaultHlsPlaylistTracker |
DefaultHttpDataSource |
DefaultHttpDataSource.Factory |
DefaultLivePlaybackSpeedControl |
DefaultLivePlaybackSpeedControl.Builder |
DefaultLoadControl |
DefaultLoadControl.Builder |
DefaultLoadErrorHandlingPolicy |
DefaultMediaCodecAdapterFactory |
DefaultMediaDescriptionAdapter |
DefaultMediaItemConverter |
DefaultMediaItemConverter |
DefaultMediaSourceFactory |
DefaultMediaSourceFactory.AdsLoaderProvider |
DefaultPlaybackSessionManager |
Default PlaybackSessionManager which instantiates a new session for each window in the
timeline and also for each ad within the windows.
DefaultRenderersFactory |
DefaultRenderersFactory.ExtensionRendererMode |
Modes for using extension renderers.
DefaultRenderersFactoryAsserts |
DefaultRtpPayloadReaderFactory |
DefaultSsChunkSource |
DefaultSsChunkSource.Factory |
DefaultTimeBar |
A time bar that shows a current position, buffered position, duration and ad markers.
DefaultTrackNameProvider |
DefaultTrackSelector |
DefaultTrackSelector.Parameters |
DefaultTrackSelector.ParametersBuilder |
DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionEligibility |
The extent to which tracks are eligible for selection.
DefaultTrackSelector.SelectionOverride |
A track selection override.
DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory |
DefaultTsPayloadReaderFactory.Flags |
Flags controlling elementary stream readers' behavior.
Descriptor |
A descriptor, as defined by ISO 23009-1, 2nd edition, 5.8.2.
DeviceInfo |
Information about the playback device.
DeviceInfo.PlaybackType |
Types of playback.
DolbyVisionConfig |
Dolby Vision configuration data.
Download |
Represents state of a download.
Download.FailureReason |
Failure reasons.
Download.State |
Download states.
DownloadBuilder |
DownloadCursor |
Provides random read-write access to the result set returned by a database query.
Downloader |
Downloads and removes a piece of content.
Downloader.ProgressListener |
Receives progress updates during download operations.
DownloaderFactory |
DownloadException |
Thrown on an error during downloading.
DownloadHelper |
A helper for initializing and removing downloads.
DownloadHelper.Callback |
DownloadHelper.LiveContentUnsupportedException |
Thrown at an attempt to download live content.
DownloadIndex |
DownloadManager |
Manages downloads.
DownloadManager.Listener |
DownloadNotificationHelper |
Helper for creating download notifications.
DownloadProgress |
DownloadRequest |
Defines content to be downloaded.
DownloadRequest.Builder |
A builder for download requests.
DownloadRequest.UnsupportedRequestException |
Thrown when the encoded request data belongs to an unsupported request type.
DownloadService |
DrmInitData |
Initialization data for one or more DRM schemes.
DrmInitData.SchemeData |
Scheme initialization data.
DrmSession |
A DRM session.
DrmSession.DrmSessionException |
Wraps the throwable which is the cause of the error state.
DrmSession.State |
The state of the DRM session.
DrmSessionEventListener |
DrmSessionEventListener.EventDispatcher |
DrmSessionManager |
Manages a DRM session.
DrmSessionManager.DrmSessionReference |
Represents a single reference count of a DrmSession , while deliberately not giving
access to the underlying session.
DrmSessionManagerProvider |
DrmUtil |
DRM-related utility methods.
DrmUtil.ErrorSource |
Identifies the operation which caused a DRM-related error.
DtsReader |
Parses a continuous DTS byte stream and extracts individual samples.
DtsUtil |
Utility methods for parsing DTS frames.
DummyDataSource |
A DataSource which provides no data.
DummyExoMediaDrm |
An ExoMediaDrm that does not support any protection schemes.
DummyExtractorOutput |
DummyMainThread |
Helper class to simulate main/UI thread in tests.
DummyMainThread.TestRunnable |
Runnable variant which can throw a checked exception.
DummySurface |
DummyTrackOutput |
DumpableFormat |
Wraps a Format to allow dumping it.
Dumper |
Helper utility to dump field values.
Dumper.Dumpable |
Provides custom dump method.
DumpFileAsserts |
Helper class to enable assertions based on golden-data dump files.
DvbDecoder |
DvbSubtitleReader |
Parses DVB subtitle data and extracts individual frames.
EbmlProcessor |
Defines EBML element IDs/types and processes events.
EbmlProcessor.ElementType |
EBML element types.
EGLSurfaceTexture |
EGLSurfaceTexture.GlException |
A runtime exception to be thrown if some EGL operations failed.
EGLSurfaceTexture.SecureMode |
Secure mode to be used by the EGL surface and context.
EGLSurfaceTexture.TextureImageListener |
Listener to be called when the texture image on SurfaceTexture has been updated.
ElementaryStreamReader |
Extracts individual samples from an elementary media stream, preserving original order.
EmptySampleStream |
EncoderUtil |
ErrorMessageProvider<T extends Throwable> |
Converts throwables into error codes and user readable error messages.
ErrorStateDrmSession |
EventLogger |
Logs events from Player and other core components using Log .
EventMessage |
An Event Message (emsg) as defined in ISO 23009-1.
EventMessageDecoder |
EventMessageEncoder |
EventStream |
A DASH in-MPD EventStream element, as defined by ISO/IEC 23009-1, 2nd edition, section 5.10.
ExoDatabaseProvider |
ExoHostedTest |
ExoMediaDrm |
Used to obtain keys for decrypting protected media streams.
ExoMediaDrm.AppManagedProvider |
ExoMediaDrm.KeyRequest |
Contains data used to request keys from a license server.
ExoMediaDrm.KeyRequest.RequestType |
Key request types.
ExoMediaDrm.KeyStatus |
Defines the status of a key.
ExoMediaDrm.OnEventListener |
Called when a DRM event occurs.
ExoMediaDrm.OnExpirationUpdateListener |
Called when a session expiration update occurs.
ExoMediaDrm.OnKeyStatusChangeListener |
Called when the keys in a DRM session change state.
ExoMediaDrm.Provider |
ExoMediaDrm.ProvisionRequest |
Contains data to request a certificate from a provisioning server.
ExoPlaybackException |
Thrown when a non locally recoverable playback failure occurs.
ExoPlaybackException.Type |
The type of source that produced the error.
ExoPlayer |
ExoPlayer.AudioComponent |
ExoPlayer.AudioOffloadListener |
A listener for audio offload events.
ExoPlayer.Builder |
ExoPlayer.DeviceComponent |
ExoPlayer.TextComponent |
ExoPlayer.VideoComponent |
ExoplayerCuesDecoder |
ExoPlayerLibraryInfo |
Information about the media libraries.
ExoPlayerTestRunner |
Helper class to run an ExoPlayer test.
ExoPlayerTestRunner.Builder |
ExoTimeoutException |
A timeout of an operation on the ExoPlayer playback thread.
ExoTimeoutException.TimeoutOperation |
The operation which produced the timeout error.
ExoTrackSelection |
ExoTrackSelection.Definition |
Contains of a subset of selected tracks belonging to a TrackGroup .
ExoTrackSelection.Factory |
Extractor |
Extracts media data from a container format.
Extractor.ReadResult |
ExtractorAsserts |
ExtractorAsserts.AssertionConfig |
A config for the assertions made (e.g.
ExtractorAsserts.AssertionConfig.Builder |
ExtractorAsserts.ExtractorFactory |
ExtractorAsserts.SimulationConfig |
A config of different environments to simulate and extractor behaviours to test.
ExtractorInput |
Provides data to be consumed by an Extractor .
ExtractorOutput |
Receives stream level data extracted by an Extractor .
ExtractorsFactory |
ExtractorUtil |
Extractor related utility methods.
FailOnCloseDataSink |
FailOnCloseDataSink.Factory |
FakeAdaptiveDataSet |
Fake data set emulating the data of an adaptive media source.
FakeAdaptiveDataSet.Factory |
FakeAdaptiveDataSet.Iterator |
FakeAdaptiveMediaPeriod |
FakeAdaptiveMediaSource |
FakeAudioRenderer |
FakeChunkSource |
Fake ChunkSource with adaptive media chunks of a given duration.
FakeChunkSource.Factory |
FakeClock |
FakeCryptoConfig |
FakeDataSet |
FakeDataSet.FakeData |
FakeDataSet.FakeData.Segment |
FakeDataSource |
A fake DataSource capable of simulating various scenarios.
FakeDataSource.Factory |
FakeExoMediaDrm |
FakeExoMediaDrm.Builder |
FakeExoMediaDrm.LicenseServer |
FakeExtractorInput |
FakeExtractorInput.Builder |
FakeExtractorInput.SimulatedIOException |
FakeExtractorOutput |
FakeMediaChunk |
FakeMediaChunkIterator |
FakeMediaClockRenderer |
FakeMediaPeriod |
FakeMediaPeriod.TrackDataFactory |
A factory to create the test data for a particular track.
FakeMediaSource |
FakeMediaSource.InitialTimeline |
A forwarding timeline to provide an initial timeline for fake multi window sources.
FakeMediaSourceFactory |
FakeMetadataEntry |
FakeRenderer |
Fake Renderer that supports any format with the matching track type.
FakeSampleStream |
FakeSampleStream.FakeSampleStreamItem |
FakeShuffleOrder |
FakeTimeline |
FakeTimeline.TimelineWindowDefinition |
FakeTrackOutput |
FakeTrackOutput.Factory |
FakeTrackSelection |
A fake ExoTrackSelection that only returns 1 fixed track, and allows querying the number
of calls to its methods.
FakeTrackSelector |
FakeVideoRenderer |
FfmpegAudioRenderer |
Decodes and renders audio using FFmpeg.
FfmpegDecoderException |
Thrown when an FFmpeg decoder error occurs.
FfmpegLibrary |
Configures and queries the underlying native library.
FileDataSource |
FileDataSource.Factory |
FileDataSource.FileDataSourceException |
FileTypes |
Defines common file type constants and helper methods.
FileTypes.Type |
File types.
FilterableManifest<T> |
A manifest that can generate copies of itself including only the streams specified by the given
FilteringHlsPlaylistParserFactory |
FilteringManifestParser<T extends FilterableManifest<T>> |
A manifest parser that includes only the streams identified by the given stream keys.
FixedTrackSelection |
FlacConstants |
Defines constants used by the FLAC extractor.
FlacDecoder |
Flac decoder.
FlacDecoderException |
Thrown when an Flac decoder error occurs.
FlacExtractor |
Facilitates the extraction of data from the FLAC container format.
FlacExtractor |
Extracts data from FLAC container format.
FlacExtractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
FlacExtractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
FlacFrameReader |
FlacFrameReader.SampleNumberHolder |
Holds a sample number.
FlacLibrary |
Configures and queries the underlying native library.
FlacMetadataReader |
FlacMetadataReader.FlacStreamMetadataHolder |
FlacSeekTableSeekMap |
FlacStreamMetadata |
Holder for FLAC metadata.
FlacStreamMetadata.SeekTable |
A FLAC seek table.
FlagSet |
A set of integer flags.
FlagSet.Builder |
FlvExtractor |
Extracts data from the FLV container format.
Format |
Represents a media format.
Format.Builder |
FormatHolder |
ForwardingAudioSink |
An overridable AudioSink implementation forwarding all methods to another sink.
ForwardingExtractorInput |
An overridable ExtractorInput implementation forwarding all methods to another input.
ForwardingPlayer |
ForwardingTimeline |
An overridable Timeline implementation forwarding all methods to another timeline.
FragmentedMp4Extractor |
Extracts data from the FMP4 container format.
FragmentedMp4Extractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
FrameworkCryptoConfig |
FrameworkMediaDrm |
GaplessInfoHolder |
Holder for gapless playback information.
Gav1Decoder |
Gav1 decoder.
Gav1DecoderException |
Thrown when a libgav1 decoder error occurs.
Gav1Library |
Configures and queries the underlying native library.
GeobFrame |
GEOB (General Encapsulated Object) ID3 frame.
GlUtil |
OpenGL ES utilities.
GlUtil.GlException |
GlUtil.Program |
Represents a GLSL shader program.
H262Reader |
Parses a continuous H262 byte stream and extracts individual frames.
H263Reader |
Parses an ISO/IEC 14496-2 (MPEG-4 Part 2) or ITU-T Recommendation H.263 byte stream and extracts
individual frames.
H264Reader |
Parses a continuous H264 byte stream and extracts individual frames.
H265Reader |
Parses a continuous H.265 byte stream and extracts individual frames.
HandlerWrapper |
An interface to call through to a Handler .
HandlerWrapper.Message |
A message obtained from the handler.
HeartRating |
A rating expressed as "heart" or "no heart".
HevcConfig |
HEVC configuration data.
HlsDataSourceFactory |
Creates DataSource s for HLS playlists, encryption and media chunks.
HlsDownloader |
A downloader for HLS streams.
HlsExtractorFactory |
Factory for HLS media chunk extractors.
HlsManifest |
Holds a multivariant playlist along with a snapshot of one of its media playlists.
HlsMasterPlaylist |
HlsMediaChunkExtractor |
Extracts samples and track Formats from HlsMediaChunks .
HlsMediaPeriod |
HlsMediaPlaylist |
Represents an HLS media playlist.
HlsMediaPlaylist.Part |
A media part.
HlsMediaPlaylist.PlaylistType |
Type of the playlist, as defined by #EXT-X-PLAYLIST-TYPE.
HlsMediaPlaylist.RenditionReport |
A rendition report for an alternative rendition defined in another media playlist.
HlsMediaPlaylist.Segment |
Media segment reference.
HlsMediaPlaylist.SegmentBase |
HlsMediaPlaylist.ServerControl |
Server control attributes.
HlsMediaSource |
HlsMediaSource.Factory |
HlsMediaSource.MetadataType |
The types of metadata that can be extracted from HLS streams.
HlsMultivariantPlaylist |
Represents an HLS multivariant playlist.
HlsMultivariantPlaylist.Rendition |
A rendition (i.e.
HlsMultivariantPlaylist.Variant |
A variant (i.e.
HlsPlaylist |
Represents an HLS playlist.
HlsPlaylistParser |
HLS playlists parsing logic.
HlsPlaylistParser.DeltaUpdateException |
Exception thrown when merging a delta update fails.
HlsPlaylistParserFactory |
HlsPlaylistTracker |
Tracks playlists associated to an HLS stream and provides snapshots.
HlsPlaylistTracker.Factory |
HlsPlaylistTracker.PlaylistEventListener |
Called on playlist loading events.
HlsPlaylistTracker.PlaylistResetException |
Thrown when the media sequence of a new snapshot indicates the server has reset.
HlsPlaylistTracker.PlaylistStuckException |
Thrown when a playlist is considered to be stuck due to a server side error.
HlsPlaylistTracker.PrimaryPlaylistListener |
Listener for primary playlist changes.
HlsTrackMetadataEntry |
Holds metadata associated to an HLS media track.
HlsTrackMetadataEntry.VariantInfo |
Holds attributes defined in an EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag.
HorizontalTextInVerticalContextSpan |
A styling span for horizontal text in a vertical context.
HostActivity |
A host activity for performing playback tests.
HostActivity.HostedTest |
HttpDataSource |
HttpDataSource.BaseFactory |
HttpDataSource.CleartextNotPermittedException |
Thrown when cleartext HTTP traffic is not permitted.
HttpDataSource.Factory |
HttpDataSource.HttpDataSourceException |
Thrown when an error is encountered when trying to read from a HttpDataSource .
HttpDataSource.HttpDataSourceException.Type |
The type of operation that produced the error.
HttpDataSource.InvalidContentTypeException |
Thrown when the content type is invalid.
HttpDataSource.InvalidResponseCodeException |
Thrown when an attempt to open a connection results in a response code not in the 2xx range.
HttpDataSource.RequestProperties |
Stores HTTP request properties (aka HTTP headers) and provides methods to modify the headers in
a thread safe way to avoid the potential of creating snapshots of an inconsistent or unintended
HttpDataSourceTestEnv |
A JUnit Rule that creates test resources for HttpDataSource contract tests.
HttpMediaDrmCallback |
HttpUtil |
Utility methods for HTTP.
IcyDecoder |
Decodes ICY stream information.
IcyHeaders |
ICY headers.
IcyInfo |
ICY in-stream information.
Id3Decoder |
Decodes ID3 tags.
Id3Decoder.FramePredicate |
A predicate for determining whether individual frames should be decoded.
Id3Frame |
Base class for ID3 frames.
Id3Peeker |
Peeks data from the beginning of an ExtractorInput to determine if there is any ID3 tag.
Id3Reader |
Parses ID3 data and extracts individual text information frames.
IllegalSeekPositionException |
Thrown when an attempt is made to seek to a position that does not exist in the player's Timeline .
ImaAdsLoader |
ImaAdsLoader.Builder |
ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource |
MediaSource for IMA server side inserted ad streams.
ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader |
An ads loader for IMA server side ad insertion streams.
ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader.Builder |
ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdsLoader.State |
ImaServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.Factory |
ImaServerSideAdInsertionUriBuilder |
Builder for URI for IMA DAI streams.
IndexSeekMap |
A SeekMap implementation based on a mapping between times and positions in the input
InitializationChunk |
A Chunk that uses an Extractor to decode initialization data for single track.
InputReaderAdapterV30 |
InternalFrame |
Internal ID3 frame that is intended for use by the player.
JpegExtractor |
Extracts JPEG image using the Exif format.
KeysExpiredException |
Thrown when the drm keys loaded into an open session expire.
LanguageFeatureSpan |
Marker interface for span classes that carry language features rather than style information.
LatmReader |
Parses and extracts samples from an AAC/LATM elementary stream.
LeanbackPlayerAdapter |
Leanback PlayerAdapter implementation for Player .
LeastRecentlyUsedCacheEvictor |
Evicts least recently used cache files first.
LibflacAudioRenderer |
Decodes and renders audio using the native Flac decoder.
Libgav1VideoRenderer |
Decodes and renders video using libgav1 decoder.
LibopusAudioRenderer |
Decodes and renders audio using the native Opus decoder.
LibraryLoader |
Configurable loader for native libraries.
LibvpxVideoRenderer |
Decodes and renders video using the native VP9 decoder.
ListenerSet<T extends @NonNull Object> |
A set of listeners.
ListenerSet.Event<T> |
An event sent to a listener.
ListenerSet.IterationFinishedEvent<T> |
An event sent to a listener when all other events sent during one Looper message queue
iteration were handled by the listener.
LivePlaybackSpeedControl |
Controls the playback speed while playing live content in order to maintain a steady target live
LoadControl |
Controls buffering of media.
Loader |
Loader.Callback<T extends Loader.Loadable> |
A callback to be notified of Loader events.
Loader.Loadable |
An object that can be loaded using a Loader .
Loader.LoadErrorAction |
Loader.ReleaseCallback |
A callback to be notified when a Loader has finished being released.
Loader.UnexpectedLoaderException |
Thrown when an unexpected exception or error is encountered during loading.
LoaderErrorThrower |
Conditionally throws errors affecting a Loader .
LoaderErrorThrower.Dummy |
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy |
A policy that defines how load errors are handled.
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackOptions |
Holds information about the available fallback options.
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackSelection |
A selected fallback option.
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.FallbackType |
Fallback type.
LoadErrorHandlingPolicy.LoadErrorInfo |
Holds information about a load task error.
LoadEventInfo |
LocalMediaDrmCallback |
Log |
Wrapper around Log which allows to set the log level.
Log.LogLevel |
Log level for ExoPlayer logcat logging.
LongArray |
An append-only, auto-growing long[] .
LoopingMediaSource |
MappingTrackSelector |
MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo |
Provides mapped track information for each renderer.
MappingTrackSelector.MappedTrackInfo.RendererSupport |
Levels of renderer support.
MaskingMediaPeriod |
MaskingMediaPeriod.PrepareListener |
Listener for preparation events.
MaskingMediaSource |
A MediaSource that masks the Timeline with a placeholder until the actual media
structure is known.
MaskingMediaSource.PlaceholderTimeline |
A timeline with one dynamic window with a period of indeterminate duration.
MatroskaExtractor |
Extracts data from the Matroska and WebM container formats.
MatroskaExtractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
MatroskaExtractor.Track |
Holds data corresponding to a single track.
MdtaMetadataEntry |
Stores extensible metadata with handler type 'mdta'.
MediaChunk |
An abstract base class for Chunk s that contain media samples.
MediaChunkIterator |
Iterator for media chunk sequences.
MediaClock |
Tracks the progression of media time.
MediaCodecAdapter |
MediaCodecAdapter.Configuration |
MediaCodecAdapter.Factory |
MediaCodecAdapter.OnFrameRenderedListener |
Listener to be called when an output frame has rendered on the output surface.
MediaCodecAudioRenderer |
MediaCodecDecoderException |
Thrown when a failure occurs in a MediaCodec decoder.
MediaCodecInfo |
Information about a MediaCodec for a given mime type.
MediaCodecRenderer |
An abstract renderer that uses MediaCodec to decode samples for rendering.
MediaCodecRenderer.DecoderInitializationException |
Thrown when a failure occurs instantiating a decoder.
MediaCodecSelector |
MediaCodecUtil |
A utility class for querying the available codecs.
MediaCodecUtil.DecoderQueryException |
Thrown when an error occurs querying the device for its underlying media capabilities.
MediaCodecVideoDecoderException |
Thrown when a failure occurs in a MediaCodec video decoder.
MediaCodecVideoRenderer |
MediaCodecVideoRenderer.CodecMaxValues |
MediaDrmCallback |
MediaDrmCallbackException |
Thrown when an error occurs while executing a DRM key
or provisioning request.
MediaFormatUtil |
Helper class containing utility methods for managing MediaFormat instances.
MediaItem |
Representation of a media item.
MediaItem.AdsConfiguration |
Configuration for playing back linear ads with a media item.
MediaItem.AdsConfiguration.Builder |
MediaItem.Builder |
MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration |
Optionally clips the media item to a custom start and end position.
MediaItem.ClippingConfiguration.Builder |
MediaItem.ClippingProperties |
MediaItem.DrmConfiguration |
DRM configuration for a media item.
MediaItem.DrmConfiguration.Builder |
MediaItem.LiveConfiguration |
Live playback configuration.
MediaItem.LiveConfiguration.Builder |
MediaItem.LocalConfiguration |
Properties for local playback.
MediaItem.PlaybackProperties |
MediaItem.Subtitle |
MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration |
Properties for a text track.
MediaItem.SubtitleConfiguration.Builder |
MediaItemConverter |
Converts between MediaItem and the Cast SDK's MediaQueueItem .
MediaItemConverter |
MediaLoadData |
Descriptor for data being loaded or selected by a MediaSource .
MediaMetadata |
MediaMetadata.Builder |
MediaMetadata.FolderType |
The folder type of the media item.
MediaMetadata.PictureType |
The picture type of the artwork.
MediaMetricsListener |
MediaParserChunkExtractor |
MediaParserExtractorAdapter |
MediaParserHlsMediaChunkExtractor |
MediaParserUtil |
Miscellaneous constants and utility methods related to the MediaParser integration.
MediaPeriod |
Loads media corresponding to a Timeline.Period , and allows that media to be read.
MediaPeriod.Callback |
MediaPeriodAsserts |
MediaPeriodAsserts.FilterableManifestMediaPeriodFactory<T extends FilterableManifest<T>> |
MediaPeriodId |
MediaSessionConnector |
Connects a MediaSessionCompat to a Player .
MediaSessionConnector.CaptionCallback |
Handles requests for enabling or disabling captions.
MediaSessionConnector.CommandReceiver |
Receiver of media commands sent by a media controller.
MediaSessionConnector.CustomActionProvider |
Provides a PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction to be published and handles the action when
sent by a media controller.
MediaSessionConnector.DefaultMediaMetadataProvider |
Provides a default MediaMetadataCompat with properties and extras taken from the MediaDescriptionCompat of the MediaSessionCompat.QueueItem of the active queue item.
MediaSessionConnector.MediaButtonEventHandler |
Handles a media button event.
MediaSessionConnector.MediaMetadataProvider |
Provides a MediaMetadataCompat for a given player state.
MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackActions |
Playback actions supported by the connector.
MediaSessionConnector.PlaybackPreparer |
Interface to which playback preparation and play actions are delegated.
MediaSessionConnector.QueueEditor |
Handles media session queue edits.
MediaSessionConnector.QueueNavigator |
Handles queue navigation actions, and updates the media session queue by calling
MediaSessionCompat.setQueue() .
MediaSessionConnector.RatingCallback |
Callback receiving a user rating for the active media item.
MediaSource |
Defines and provides media to be played by an ExoPlayer .
MediaSource.Factory |
MediaSource.MediaPeriodId |
MediaSource.MediaSourceCaller |
A caller of media sources, which will be notified of source events.
MediaSourceEventListener |
Interface for callbacks to be notified of MediaSource events.
MediaSourceEventListener.EventDispatcher |
MediaSourceFactory |
MediaSourceTestRunner |
MergingMediaSource |
MergingMediaSource.IllegalMergeException |
MergingMediaSource.IllegalMergeException.Reason |
The reason the merge failed.
Metadata |
A collection of metadata entries.
Metadata.Entry |
A metadata entry.
MetadataDecoder |
Decodes metadata from binary data.
MetadataDecoderFactory |
MetadataInputBuffer |
MetadataOutput |
Receives metadata output.
MetadataRenderer |
A renderer for metadata.
MetadataRetriever |
MimeTypes |
Defines common MIME types and helper methods.
MlltFrame |
MPEG location lookup table frame.
MotionPhotoMetadata |
Metadata of a motion photo file.
Mp3Extractor |
Extracts data from the MP3 container format.
Mp3Extractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
Mp4Extractor |
Extracts data from the MP4 container format.
Mp4Extractor.Flags |
Flags controlling the behavior of the extractor.
Mp4WebvttDecoder |
MpegAudioReader |
Parses a continuous MPEG Audio byte stream and extracts individual frames.
MpegAudioUtil |
Utility methods for handling MPEG audio streams.
MpegAudioUtil.Header |
Stores the metadata for an MPEG audio frame.
NalUnitUtil |
Utility methods for handling H.264/AVC and H.265/HEVC NAL units.
NalUnitUtil.H265SpsData |
Holds data parsed from a H.265 sequence parameter set NAL unit.
NalUnitUtil.PpsData |
Holds data parsed from a picture parameter set NAL unit.
NalUnitUtil.SpsData |
Holds data parsed from a H.264 sequence parameter set NAL unit.
NetworkTypeObserver |
Observer for network type changes.
NetworkTypeObserver.Config |
NetworkTypeObserver.Listener |
A listener for network type changes.
NonNullApi |
Annotation to declare all type usages in the annotated instance as Nonnull , unless
explicitly marked with a nullable annotation.
NoOpCacheEvictor |
Evictor that doesn't ever evict cache files.
NoSampleRenderer |
NotificationUtil |
NotificationUtil.Importance |
Notification channel importance levels.
NoUidTimeline |
A timeline which wraps another timeline and overrides all window and period uids to 0.
OfflineLicenseHelper |
Helper class to download, renew and release offline licenses.
OggExtractor |
Extracts data from the Ogg container format.
OkHttpDataSource |
OkHttpDataSource.Factory |
OkHttpDataSourceFactory |
OpusDecoder |
Opus decoder.
OpusDecoderException |
Thrown when an Opus decoder error occurs.
OpusLibrary |
Configures and queries the underlying native library.
OpusUtil |
Utility methods for handling Opus audio streams.
OutputConsumerAdapterV30 |
ParsableBitArray |
Wraps a byte array, providing methods that allow it to be read as a bitstream.
ParsableByteArray |
Wraps a byte array, providing a set of methods for parsing data from it.
ParsableNalUnitBitArray |
Wraps a byte array, providing methods that allow it to be read as a NAL unit bitstream.
ParserException |
Thrown when an error occurs parsing media data and metadata.
ParsingLoadable<T> |
ParsingLoadable.Parser<T> |
Parses an object from loaded data.
PassthroughSectionPayloadReader |
PercentageRating |
A rating expressed as a percentage.
Period |
Encapsulates media content components over a contiguous period of time.
PesReader |
Parses PES packet data and extracts samples.
PgsDecoder |
PictureFrame |
A picture parsed from a Vorbis Comment or a FLAC picture block.
PlatformScheduler |
PlatformScheduler.PlatformSchedulerService |
A JobService that starts the target service if the requirements are met.
PlaybackException |
Thrown when a non locally recoverable playback failure occurs.
PlaybackException.ErrorCode |
Codes that identify causes of player errors.
PlaybackException.FieldNumber |
Identifiers for fields in a Bundle which represents a playback exception.
PlaybackOutput |
Class to capture output from a playback test.
PlaybackParameters |
Parameters that apply to playback, including speed setting.
PlaybackSessionManager |
Manager for active playback sessions.
PlaybackSessionManager.Listener |
A listener for session updates.
PlaybackStats |
Statistics about playbacks.
PlaybackStats.EventTimeAndException |
Stores an exception with the event time at which it occurred.
PlaybackStats.EventTimeAndFormat |
Stores a format with the event time at which it started being used, or null to indicate
that no format was used.
PlaybackStats.EventTimeAndPlaybackState |
Stores a playback state with the event time at which it became active.
PlaybackStatsListener |
PlaybackStatsListener.Callback |
Player |
A media player interface defining traditional high-level functionality, such as the ability to
play, pause, seek and query properties of the currently playing media.
Player.Command |
Commands that can be executed on a Player .
Player.Commands |
Player.Commands.Builder |
Player.DiscontinuityReason |
Reasons for position discontinuities.
Player.Event |
Player.Events |
Player.Listener |
Listener of all changes in the Player.
Player.MediaItemTransitionReason |
Reasons for media item transitions.
Player.PlaybackSuppressionReason |
Player.PlayWhenReadyChangeReason |
Player.PositionInfo |
Position info describing a playback position involved in a discontinuity.
Player.RepeatMode |
Repeat modes for playback.
Player.State |
Playback state.
Player.TimelineChangeReason |
Reasons for timeline changes.
PlayerControlView |
A view for controlling Player instances.
PlayerControlView.ProgressUpdateListener |
Listener to be notified when progress has been updated.
PlayerControlView.VisibilityListener |
Listener to be notified about changes of the visibility of the UI control.
PlayerEmsgHandler |
Handles all emsg messages from all media tracks for the player.
PlayerEmsgHandler.PlayerEmsgCallback |
Callbacks for player emsg events encountered during DASH live stream.
PlayerId |
Identifier for a player instance.
PlayerMessage |
PlayerMessage.Sender |
A sender for messages.
PlayerMessage.Target |
A target for messages.
PlayerNotificationManager |
Starts, updates and cancels a media style notification reflecting the player state.
PlayerNotificationManager.Builder |
PlayerNotificationManager.CustomActionReceiver |
Defines and handles custom actions.
PlayerNotificationManager.MediaDescriptionAdapter |
An adapter to provide content assets of the media currently playing.
PlayerNotificationManager.NotificationListener |
A listener for changes to the notification.
PlayerNotificationManager.Priority |
Priority of the notification (required for API 25 and lower).
PlayerNotificationManager.Visibility |
Visibility of notification on the lock screen.
PlayerView |
PlayerView.ShowBuffering |
Determines when the buffering view is shown.
PositionHolder |
Holds a position in the stream.
PriorityDataSource |
PriorityDataSource.Factory |
PriorityDataSourceFactory |
PriorityTaskManager |
Allows tasks with associated priorities to control how they proceed relative to one another.
PriorityTaskManager.PriorityTooLowException |
Thrown when task attempts to proceed when another registered task has a higher priority.
PrivateCommand |
Represents a private command as defined in SCTE35, Section 9.3.6.
PrivFrame |
PRIV (Private) ID3 frame.
ProgramInformation |
A parsed program information element.
ProgressHolder |
Holds a progress percentage.
ProgressiveDownloader |
A downloader for progressive media streams.
ProgressiveMediaExtractor |
Extracts the contents of a container file from a progressive media stream.
ProgressiveMediaExtractor.Factory |
ProgressiveMediaSource |
Provides one period that loads data from a Uri and extracted using an Extractor .
ProgressiveMediaSource.Factory |
PsExtractor |
Extracts data from the MPEG-2 PS container format.
PsshAtomUtil |
Utility methods for handling PSSH atoms.
RandomizedMp3Decoder |
Generates randomized, but correct amount of data on MP3 audio input.
RandomTrackSelection |
RandomTrackSelection.Factory |
RangedUri |
Defines a range of data located at a reference uri.
Rating |
A rating for media content.
RawCcExtractor |
Extracts data from the RawCC container format.
RawResourceDataSource |
A DataSource for reading a raw resource inside the APK.
RawResourceDataSource.RawResourceDataSourceException |
Thrown when an IOException is encountered reading from a raw resource.
Renderer |
Renderer.MessageType |
Represents a type of message that can be passed to a renderer.
Renderer.State |
The renderer states.
Renderer.WakeupListener |
RendererCapabilities |
RendererCapabilities.AdaptiveSupport |
Level of renderer support for adaptive format switches.
RendererCapabilities.Capabilities |
Combined renderer capabilities.
RendererCapabilities.DecoderSupport |
Level of decoder support.
RendererCapabilities.FormatSupport |
RendererCapabilities.HardwareAccelerationSupport |
Level of renderer support for hardware acceleration.
RendererCapabilities.TunnelingSupport |
Level of renderer support for tunneling.
RendererConfiguration |
RenderersFactory |
RepeatModeActionProvider |
Provides a custom action for toggling repeat modes.
RepeatModeUtil |
Util class for repeat mode handling.
RepeatModeUtil.RepeatToggleModes |
Set of repeat toggle modes.
Representation |
A DASH representation.
Representation.MultiSegmentRepresentation |
A DASH representation consisting of multiple segments.
Representation.SingleSegmentRepresentation |
A DASH representation consisting of a single segment.
Requirements |
Defines a set of device state requirements.
Requirements.RequirementFlags |
Requirement flags.
RequirementsWatcher |
RequirementsWatcher.Listener |
Notified when RequirementsWatcher instance first created and on changes whether the Requirements are met.
ResolvingDataSource |
ResolvingDataSource.Factory |
ResolvingDataSource.Resolver |
RobolectricUtil |
Utility methods for Robolectric-based tests.
RtmpDataSource |
RtmpDataSource.Factory |
RtmpDataSourceFactory |
RtpAc3Reader |
Parses an AC3 byte stream carried on RTP packets, and extracts AC3 frames.
RtpPacket |
Represents the header and the payload of an RTP packet.
RtpPacket.Builder |
RtpPayloadFormat |
Represents the payload format used in RTP.
RtpPayloadReader |
Extracts media samples from the payload of received RTP packets.
RtpPayloadReader.Factory |
RtpUtils |
Utility methods for RTP.
RtspMediaSource |
RtspMediaSource.Factory |
RtspMediaSource.RtspPlaybackException |
Thrown when an exception or error is encountered during loading an RTSP stream.
RubySpan |
A styling span for ruby text.
RunnableFutureTask<R,E extends Exception> |
A RunnableFuture that supports additional uninterruptible operations to query whether
execution has started and finished.
SampleQueue |
A queue of media samples.
SampleQueue.UpstreamFormatChangedListener |
A listener for changes to the upstream format.
SampleQueueMappingException |
SampleStream |
A stream of media samples (and associated format information).
SampleStream.ReadDataResult |
SampleStream.ReadFlags |
Scheduler |
Schedules a service to be started in the foreground when some Requirements are met.
SectionPayloadReader |
Reads section data.
SectionReader |
SeekMap |
Maps seek positions (in microseconds) to corresponding positions (byte offsets) in the stream.
SeekMap.SeekPoints |
SeekMap.Unseekable |
A SeekMap that does not support seeking.
SeekParameters |
Parameters that apply to seeking.
SeekPoint |
Defines a seek point in a media stream.
SegmentBase |
An approximate representation of a SegmentBase manifest element.
SegmentBase.MultiSegmentBase |
SegmentBase.SegmentList |
SegmentBase.SegmentTemplate |
SegmentBase.SegmentTimelineElement |
Represents a timeline segment from the MPD's SegmentTimeline list.
SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase |
SegmentDownloader<M extends FilterableManifest<M>> |
Base class for multi segment stream downloaders.
SegmentDownloader.Segment |
Smallest unit of content to be downloaded.
SeiReader |
Consumes SEI buffers, outputting contained CEA-608/708 messages to a TrackOutput .
SequenceableLoader |
A loader that can proceed in approximate synchronization with other loaders.
SequenceableLoader.Callback<T extends SequenceableLoader> |
ServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource |
ServerSideAdInsertionMediaSource.AdPlaybackStateUpdater |
Receives ad playback state update requests when the Timeline of the content media
source has changed.
ServerSideAdInsertionUtil |
A static utility class with methods to work with server-side inserted ads.
ServiceDescriptionElement |
Represents a service description element.
SessionAvailabilityListener |
Listener of changes in the cast session availability.
SessionCallbackBuilder |
Builds a MediaSession.SessionCallback with various collaborators.
SessionCallbackBuilder.AllowedCommandProvider |
Provides allowed commands for MediaController .
SessionCallbackBuilder.CustomCommandProvider |
Callbacks for querying what custom commands are supported, and for handling a custom command
when a controller sends it.
SessionCallbackBuilder.DefaultAllowedCommandProvider |
Default implementation of SessionCallbackBuilder.AllowedCommandProvider that behaves as follows:
Accepts connection requests from controller if any of the following conditions are met:
Controller is in the same package as the session.
SessionCallbackBuilder.DisconnectedCallback |
Callback for handling controller disconnection.
SessionCallbackBuilder.MediaIdMediaItemProvider |
SessionCallbackBuilder.MediaItemProvider |
Provides the MediaItem .
SessionCallbackBuilder.PostConnectCallback |
Callback for handling extra initialization after the connection.
SessionCallbackBuilder.RatingCallback |
Callback receiving a user rating for a specified media id.
SessionCallbackBuilder.SkipCallback |
Callback receiving skip backward and skip forward.
SessionPlayerConnector |
An implementation of SessionPlayer that wraps a given ExoPlayer Player instance.
ShadowMediaCodecConfig |
A JUnit @Rule to configure Roboelectric's ShadowMediaCodec .
ShuffleOrder |
Shuffled order of indices.
ShuffleOrder.DefaultShuffleOrder |
The default ShuffleOrder implementation for random shuffle order.
ShuffleOrder.UnshuffledShuffleOrder |
SilenceMediaSource |
Media source with a single period consisting of silent raw audio of a given duration.
SilenceMediaSource.Factory |
SilenceSkippingAudioProcessor |
SimpleCache |
A Cache implementation that maintains an in-memory representation.
SimpleDecoder<I extends DecoderInputBuffer,O extends DecoderOutputBuffer,E extends DecoderException> |
Base class for Decoder s that use their own decode thread and decode each input buffer
immediately into a corresponding output buffer.
SimpleDecoderOutputBuffer |
SimpleExoPlayer |
SimpleExoPlayer.Builder |
SimpleMetadataDecoder |
SimpleSubtitleDecoder |
Base class for subtitle parsers that use their own decode thread.
SinglePeriodAdTimeline |
SinglePeriodTimeline |
A Timeline consisting of a single period and static window.
SingleSampleMediaChunk |
SingleSampleMediaSource |
Loads data at a given Uri as a single sample belonging to a single MediaPeriod .
SingleSampleMediaSource.Factory |
SlidingPercentile |
Calculate any percentile over a sliding window of weighted values.
SlowMotionData |
Holds information about the segments of slow motion playback within a track.
SlowMotionData.Segment |
Holds information about a single segment of slow motion playback within a track.
SmtaMetadataEntry |
Stores metadata from the Samsung smta box.
SntpClient |
Static utility to retrieve the device time offset using SNTP.
SntpClient.InitializationCallback |
SonicAudioProcessor |
An AudioProcessor that uses the Sonic library to modify audio speed/pitch/sample rate.
SpannedSubject |
A Truth Subject for assertions on Spanned instances containing text styling.
SpannedSubject.AbsoluteSized |
Allows assertions about the absolute size of a span.
SpannedSubject.Aligned |
Allows assertions about the alignment of a span.
SpannedSubject.AndSpanFlags |
Allows additional assertions to be made on the flags of matching spans.
SpannedSubject.Colored |
Allows assertions about the color of a span.
SpannedSubject.EmphasizedText |
Allows assertions about a span's text emphasis mark and its position.
SpannedSubject.RelativeSized |
Allows assertions about the relative size of a span.
SpannedSubject.RubyText |
Allows assertions about a span's ruby text and its position.
SpannedSubject.Typefaced |
Allows assertions about the typeface of a span.
SpannedSubject.WithSpanFlags |
Allows additional assertions to be made on the flags of matching spans.
SpanUtil |
SphericalGLSurfaceView |
Renders a GL scene in a non-VR Activity that is affected by phone orientation and touch input.
SphericalGLSurfaceView.VideoSurfaceListener |
Listener for the Surface to which video frames should be rendered.
SpliceCommand |
Superclass for SCTE35 splice commands.
SpliceInfoDecoder |
Decodes splice info sections and produces splice commands.
SpliceInsertCommand |
Represents a splice insert command defined in SCTE35, Section 9.3.3.
SpliceInsertCommand.ComponentSplice |
Holds splicing information for specific splice insert command components.
SpliceNullCommand |
Represents a splice null command as defined in SCTE35, Section 9.3.1.
SpliceScheduleCommand |
Represents a splice schedule command as defined in SCTE35, Section 9.3.2.
SpliceScheduleCommand.ComponentSplice |
Holds splicing information for specific splice schedule command components.
SpliceScheduleCommand.Event |
SsaDecoder |
SsChunkSource |
SsChunkSource.Factory |
SsDownloader |
A downloader for SmoothStreaming streams.
SsManifest |
Represents a SmoothStreaming manifest.
SsManifest.ProtectionElement |
Represents a protection element containing a single header.
SsManifest.StreamElement |
Represents a StreamIndex element.
SsManifestParser |
Parses SmoothStreaming client manifests.
SsManifestParser.MissingFieldException |
Thrown if a required field is missing.
SsMediaSource |
SsMediaSource.Factory |
StandaloneDatabaseProvider |
StandaloneMediaClock |
A MediaClock whose position advances with real time based on the playback parameters when
StarRating |
A rating expressed as a fractional number of stars.
StartOffsetExtractorOutput |
An extractor output that wraps another extractor output and applies a give start byte offset to
seek positions.
StatsDataSource |
DataSource wrapper which keeps track of bytes transferred, redirected uris, and response
StreamKey |
A key for a subset of media that can be separately loaded (a "stream").
StubExoPlayer |
StubPlayer |
StyledPlayerControlView |
A view for controlling Player instances.
StyledPlayerControlView.OnFullScreenModeChangedListener |
Listener to be invoked to inform the fullscreen mode is changed.
StyledPlayerControlView.ProgressUpdateListener |
Listener to be notified when progress has been updated.
StyledPlayerControlView.VisibilityListener |
Listener to be notified about changes of the visibility of the UI control.
StyledPlayerView |
A high level view for Player media playbacks.
StyledPlayerView.ShowBuffering |
Determines when the buffering view is shown.
SubripDecoder |
Subtitle |
A subtitle consisting of timed Cue s.
SubtitleDecoder |
SubtitleDecoderException |
Thrown when an error occurs decoding subtitle data.
SubtitleDecoderFactory |
SubtitleExtractor |
Generic extractor for extracting subtitles from various subtitle formats.
SubtitleInputBuffer |
SubtitleOutputBuffer |
SubtitleView |
A view for displaying subtitle Cue s.
SubtitleView.ViewType |
The type of View to use to display subtitles.
SynchronousMediaCodecAdapter |
SynchronousMediaCodecAdapter.Factory |
SystemClock |
The standard implementation of Clock , an instance of which is available via Clock.DEFAULT .
TeeAudioProcessor |
Audio processor that outputs its input unmodified and also outputs its input to a given sink.
TeeAudioProcessor.AudioBufferSink |
A sink for audio buffers handled by the audio processor.
TeeAudioProcessor.WavFileAudioBufferSink |
A sink for audio buffers that writes output audio as .wav files with a given path prefix.
TeeDataSource |
Tees data into a DataSink as the data is read.
TestDownloadManagerListener |
TestExoPlayerBuilder |
A builder of ExoPlayer instances for testing.
TestPlayerRunHelper |
Helper methods to block the calling thread until the provided ExoPlayer instance reaches
a particular state.
TestUtil |
Utility methods for tests.
TextAnnotation |
Properties of a text annotation (i.e.
TextAnnotation.Position |
The possible positions of the annotation text relative to the base text.
TextEmphasisSpan |
A styling span for text emphasis marks.
TextEmphasisSpan.MarkFill |
The possible mark fills that can be used.
TextEmphasisSpan.MarkShape |
The possible mark shapes that can be used.
TextInformationFrame |
Text information ID3 frame.
TextOutput |
Receives text output.
TextRenderer |
A renderer for text.
ThumbRating |
A rating expressed as "thumbs up" or "thumbs down".
TimeBar |
Interface for time bar views that can display a playback position, buffered position, duration
and ad markers, and that have a listener for scrubbing (seeking) events.
TimeBar.OnScrubListener |
Listener for scrubbing events.
TimedValueQueue<V> |
A utility class to keep a queue of values with timestamps.
Timeline |
A flexible representation of the structure of media.
Timeline.Period |
Holds information about a period in a Timeline .
Timeline.RemotableTimeline |
Timeline.Window |
Holds information about a window in a Timeline .
TimelineAsserts |
TimelineQueueEditor |
TimelineQueueEditor.MediaDescriptionConverter |
Converts a MediaDescriptionCompat to a MediaItem .
TimelineQueueEditor.MediaIdEqualityChecker |
Media description comparator comparing the media IDs.
TimelineQueueEditor.QueueDataAdapter |
Adapter to get MediaDescriptionCompat of items in the queue and to notify the
application about changes in the queue to sync the data structure backing the MediaSessionConnector .
TimelineQueueNavigator |
TimeSignalCommand |
Represents a time signal command as defined in SCTE35, Section 9.3.4.
TimestampAdjuster |
Adjusts and offsets sample timestamps.
TimestampAdjusterProvider |
TimeToFirstByteEstimator |
Provides an estimate of the time to first byte of a transfer.
TraceUtil |
Calls through to Trace methods on supported API levels.
Track |
Encapsulates information describing an MP4 track.
Track.Transformation |
The transformation to apply to samples in the track, if any.
TrackEncryptionBox |
Encapsulates information parsed from a track encryption (tenc) box or sample group description
(sgpd) box in an MP4 stream.
TrackGroup |
Defines an immutable group of tracks identified by their format identity.
TrackGroupArray |
TrackNameProvider |
Converts Format s to user readable track names.
TrackOutput |
Receives track level data extracted by an Extractor .
TrackOutput.CryptoData |
Holds data required to decrypt a sample.
TrackOutput.SampleDataPart |
TrackSelection |
A track selection consisting of a static subset of selected tracks belonging to a TrackGroup .
TrackSelection.Type |
Represents a type track selection.
TrackSelectionArray |
TrackSelectionDialogBuilder |
TrackSelectionDialogBuilder.DialogCallback |
Callback which is invoked when a track selection has been made.
TrackSelectionOverrides |
Forces the selection of the specified tracks in TrackGroups .
TrackSelectionOverrides.Builder |
TrackSelectionOverrides.TrackSelectionOverride |
TrackSelectionParameters |
Constraint parameters for track selection.
TrackSelectionParameters.Builder |
TrackSelectionUtil |
Track selection related utility methods.
TrackSelectionUtil.AdaptiveTrackSelectionFactory |
Functional interface to create a single adaptive track selection.
TrackSelectionView |
A view for making track selections.
TrackSelectionView.TrackSelectionListener |
Listener for changes to the selected tracks.
TrackSelector |
The component of an ExoPlayer responsible for selecting tracks to be consumed by each of
the player's Renderer s.
TrackSelector.InvalidationListener |
Notified when selections previously made by a TrackSelector are no longer valid.
TrackSelectorResult |
TracksInfo |
Information about groups of tracks.
TracksInfo.TrackGroupInfo |
Information about a single group of tracks, including the underlying TrackGroup , the
type of tracks it contains, and the level to which each track is supported
by the player.
TransferListener |
A listener of data transfer events.
TransformationException |
Thrown when a non-locally recoverable transformation failure occurs.
TransformationException.ErrorCode |
TransformationRequest |
A media transformation request.
TransformationRequest.Builder |
Transformer |
A transformer to transform media inputs.
Transformer.Builder |
Transformer.DebugViewProvider |
Provider for views to show diagnostic information during transformation, for debugging.
Transformer.Listener |
A listener for the transformation events.
Transformer.ProgressState |
Progress state.
TrueHdSampleRechunker |
TsExtractor |
Extracts data from the MPEG-2 TS container format.
TsExtractor.Mode |
Modes for the extractor.
TsPayloadReader |
Parses TS packet payload data.
TsPayloadReader.DvbSubtitleInfo |
Holds information about a DVB subtitle, as defined in ETSI EN 300 468 V1.11.1 section 6.2.41.
TsPayloadReader.EsInfo |
Holds information associated with a PMT entry.
TsPayloadReader.Factory |
TsPayloadReader.Flags |
Contextual flags indicating the presence of indicators in the TS packet or PES packet headers.
TsPayloadReader.TrackIdGenerator |
TsUtil |
Utilities method for extracting MPEG-TS streams.
TtmlDecoder |
Tx3gDecoder |
UdpDataSource |
UdpDataSource.UdpDataSourceException |
Thrown when an error is encountered when trying to read from a UdpDataSource .
UnknownNull |
Annotation for specifying unknown nullness.
UnrecognizedInputFormatException |
Thrown if the input format was not recognized.
UnsupportedDrmException |
Thrown when the requested DRM scheme is not supported.
UnsupportedDrmException.Reason |
The reason for the exception.
UriUtil |
Utility methods for manipulating URIs.
UrlLinkFrame |
Url link ID3 frame.
UrlTemplate |
A template from which URLs can be built.
UtcTimingElement |
Represents a UTCTiming element.
Util |
Miscellaneous utility methods.
VersionTable |
Utility methods for accessing versions of media library database components.
VideoDecoderGLSurfaceView |
VideoDecoderOutputBuffer |
Video decoder output buffer containing video frame data.
VideoDecoderOutputBufferRenderer |
VideoFrameMetadataListener |
A listener for metadata corresponding to video frames being rendered.
VideoFrameReleaseHelper |
VideoRendererEventListener |
VideoRendererEventListener.EventDispatcher |
VideoSize |
Represents the video size.
VorbisBitArray |
Wraps a byte array, providing methods that allow it to be read as a Vorbis bitstream.
VorbisComment |
VorbisComment |
A vorbis comment, extracted from a FLAC or Ogg file.
VorbisUtil |
Utility methods for parsing Vorbis streams.
VorbisUtil.CommentHeader |
Vorbis comment header.
VorbisUtil.Mode |
Vorbis setup header modes.
VorbisUtil.VorbisIdHeader |
Vorbis identification header.
VpxDecoder |
Vpx decoder.
VpxDecoderException |
Thrown when a libvpx decoder error occurs.
VpxLibrary |
Configures and queries the underlying native library.
WavExtractor |
Extracts data from WAV byte streams.
WavUtil |
Utilities for handling WAVE files.
WebServerDispatcher |
A Dispatcher for MockWebServer that allows per-path
customisation of the static data served.
WebServerDispatcher.Resource |
WebServerDispatcher.Resource.Builder |
WebvttCssStyle |
Style object of a Css style block in a Webvtt file.
WebvttCssStyle.FontSizeUnit |
Font size unit enum.
WebvttCssStyle.StyleFlags |
Style flag enum.
WebvttCueInfo |
A representation of a WebVTT cue.
WebvttCueParser |
Parser for WebVTT cues.
WebvttDecoder |
WebvttExtractor |
A special purpose extractor for WebVTT content in HLS.
WebvttParserUtil |
Utility methods for parsing WebVTT data.
WidevineUtil |
Utility methods for Widevine.
WorkManagerScheduler |
WorkManagerScheduler.SchedulerWorker |
A Worker that starts the target service if the requirements are met.
WritableDownloadIndex |
XmlPullParserUtil |