--- layout: default title: Corpora parent: Advanced topics nav_order: 3 permalink: /advanced-topics/corpora/ --- # Accessing Corpora {: .no_toc} If you want to access the corpora that we are using for your fuzz targets (synthesized by the fuzzing engines), follow these steps. - TOC {:toc} --- ## Obtain access To get access to a project's corpora, you must be listed as the primary contact or as an auto cc in the project's `project.yaml` file, as described in the [New Project Guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/getting-started/new-project-guide/#projectyaml). If you don't do this, most of the links below won't work. ## Install Google Cloud SDK The corpora for fuzz targets are stored on [Google Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/). To access them, you need to [install the gsutil tool](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil_install), which is part of the Google Cloud SDK. Follow the instructions on the installation page to login with the Google account listed in your project's `project.yaml` file. ## Viewing the corpus for a fuzz target The fuzzer statistics page for your project on [ClusterFuzz]({{ site.baseurl }}/further-reading/clusterfuzz) contains a link to the Google Cloud console for your corpus under the **corpus_size** column. Click the link to browse and download individual test inputs in the corpus. ![viewing_corpus](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/oss-fuzz/master/docs/images/viewing_corpus.png) ## Downloading the corpus If you want to download the entire corpus, click the link in the **corpus_size** column, then copy the **Buckets** path at the top of the page: ![corpus_path](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/oss-fuzz/master/docs/images/corpus_path.png) Copy the corpus to a directory on your machine by running the following command: ```bash $ gsutil -m cp -r gs:// ``` Using the expat example above, this would be: ```bash $ gsutil -m cp -r \ gs://expat-corpus.clusterfuzz-external.appspot.com/libFuzzer/expat_parse_fuzzer \ ``` ## Corpus backups We keep daily zipped backups of your corpora. These can be accessed from the **corpus_backup** column of the fuzzer statistics page. Downloading these can be significantly faster than running `gsutil -m cp -r` on the corpus bucket.