Annotation Type JsonPOJOBuilder

public @interface JsonPOJOBuilder

Annotation used to configure details of a Builder class: instances of which are used as Builders for deserialized POJO values, instead of POJOs being instantiated using constructors or factory methods. Note that this annotation is NOT used to define what is the Builder class for a POJO: rather, this is determined by JsonDeserialize.builder() property of JsonDeserialize.

Annotation is typically used if the naming convention of a Builder class is different from defaults:


Optional Element Summary
 String buildMethodName
          Property to use for re-defining which zero-argument method is considered the actual "build-method": method called after all data has been bound, and the actual instance needs to be instantiated.
 String withPrefix
          Property used for (re)defining name prefix to use for auto-detecting "with-methods": methods that are similar to "set-methods" (in that they take an argument), but that may also return the new builder instance to use (which may be 'this', or a new modified builder instance).


public abstract String buildMethodName
Property to use for re-defining which zero-argument method is considered the actual "build-method": method called after all data has been bound, and the actual instance needs to be instantiated.

Default value is "build".



public abstract String withPrefix
Property used for (re)defining name prefix to use for auto-detecting "with-methods": methods that are similar to "set-methods" (in that they take an argument), but that may also return the new builder instance to use (which may be 'this', or a new modified builder instance). Note that in addition to this prefix, it is also possible to use JsonProperty annotation to indicate "with-methods" (as well as JsonSetter).

Default value is "with", so that method named "withValue()" would be used for binding JSON property "value" (using type indicated by the argument; or one defined with annotations.


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